Tuesday 31 January 2017

650 Book publishers in Mezen

World's Largest Book Publishers in Mezen
Displaying 1 to 10 of 321 publishing houses. Every book must have Universal Book Number (UBN) otherwise it becomes invalid/ unauthentic publication. UBN can be easily purchased from ubnenquiry@gmail.com

321 publishers in the publishing directory. 
Universal Book Number is a unique identification number for a book. Universal Book Number is recognized globally and catalyzes the sale of book to bookstores and libraries. Universal Book Number (UBN) allows scientifically management of books and their discoverability at global level. Universal Book Number eliminates the ambiguity in identification of books. While numerous book titles, published by different publishers may have same titles across the world, it creates huge confusion among readers. Universal Book Number (UBN) serves here as a great tool to correctly identify a book. Since all such books will carry different UBN. Universal Book Number (UBN) is assigned to international as well as local editions of books. If edition of a book is changed, (e.g. next edition) it would require new Universal Book Number (UBN). If content is same, it needs to assign different UBN for print and/ electronic version. Universal Book Number (UBN) is affected by format of file (e.g. jpeg, MS-Word, PDF, etc). A book in different languages needs to be assigned separate Universal Book Number. N (any) number of copies may be produced for a book, assigned with single Universal Book Number (UBN).
UBN can be demanded either by authors, self publishers or publishers. Readers may ask about Universal Book Number (UBN) for a book which they want to read, download, buy, tell a friend, inquire, or review. It helps to increase the chances of sales of books, and royalty earned by authors and publishers along with publicity. Universal Book Number (UBN) is assigned for literature standardization, and is a not for profit activity. UBN costs US$ 100. Different formats of publication and publication in different languages need different Universal Book Number (UBN), but these all UBNs will be provided at No additional cost. So if you publish a document in two languages and two formats e.g. print and online, you will be provided 4 UBNs at just US$ 100. If you publish the same document in pdf, HTML, JPEG, you will be provided extra UBNs at No additional cost. Demand for UBN can be sought at: ubnenquiry@gmail.com

How to purchase/ buy/ obtain Universal Book Number (UBN)
You should provide below information to get your Universal Book Number (UBN) for your book.- 
Title of the Book: 
Language: ?
Publisher: Self Published/ Name of Publisher
Author: Format: Hard/ electronic version? 
Place of Publication: 
Name of Country? 
E-Mail this information to ubnenquiry@gmail.com and UABN will deliver you the UBN for your book within approx 24 hours. 

UABN: Universal Agency for Book Number; officially assigns and regulates legitimate UBN. Universal Agency for Book Number is responsible for the collection, description, preservation and accessibility of UBN. The UABN also serves as a development centre for the literature and library sector and promotes strong cooperation in the field, on not for profit status. UABN registers patents and copyrights at international level. You can buy UBN number for your any publication, it can be of any previous year, Email at ubnenquiry@gmail.com 

UBN number is like a DNA Fingerprint of your publication, it uniquely identify your publication in all over world. If you are an author or Publisher, and you have published, or going to publish a book, journal, or magazine, yearbook and Report, you are eligible to get UBN number from us.

Allotment of UBN  is done with a centralized system. There are no country wise agencies, to enhance the ease and user friendly approach. In case of any ambiguity, the decision of UABN shall be final and binding

UBN assigned once, can not be cancelled. 

Authors/ Publishers may sell/ resale unutilized UBN upon notifying UABN. UBN can also be sold / purchased in a block. Unutilized UBN can also be sold within/ beyond the countries, different publishers/ authors and to a book in different languages. If title of a book is changed in future, it needs to be assigned new UBN. UBN can also be purchased in reserve for further use/ a book being planned to edit/ publish. UBN does not expire. UBN can also be demanded for a book, which is already having / not having an ISBN number

Photon Publishes journals, books, Thesis, calendars and many more. Photon is world's leading international publisher with rank # 1. Submissions can be sent at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Photon Books also provides Universal Book Number (UBN). Every book must have Universal Book Number (UBN)Universal Book Number (UBN) is essential and compulsory for every book, which is published around the world for it's marketing, sales, distribution, royalty, publicity, copyrights, authorship, distribution rights, printing & publishing and legal issues. Self publishers and or publishers should buy Universal Book Number (UBN) from ubnenquiry@gmail.com for their every book. 

Become A Published Author
Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com and become self published author


Photon eBooks is top most publisher in Russia with Rank 1. 

Academia Rossica is the official organiser of Read Russia, the Russian national stand at BookExpo America. AR represents for the English-speaking world, it publishes an international review of contemporary Russian culture and awards the Rossica   Translation Prize for the best new translation of a Russian title into English. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Ad Marginem Press is a private independent publishing house established in Moscow in 1993. We specialize in contemporary Russian fiction and some Western fiction. We also publish postmodern philosophy classics including Derrida, Foucault and Walter Benjamin. Our fiction authors include Christian Kracht, Ingo Shulze, Vladimir Sorokin, Mikhail Elizarov, Eduard Limonov and Zakhar Prilepin Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com.

We publish works on philosophy, literary studies, aesthetics and architecture for ‘armchair scientists’ and their students. Our books include the Russian editions of “Words and Money” (Schiffrin), “Berliner Kindheit um 1900” (Benjamin) and a complete anthology of Russian Formalism. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Art Union «Author’s Manuscript Book» makes manuscript books. These books have different formats (from micro to macro) and different themes, from contemporary poetry and prose works from different countries to medieval poetry and prose. Sometimes our books are bilingual (Russian and the original language). Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

AST is one of Russia’s largest publishing houses and focuses in particular on promoting new authors. The company has over 30,000 titles and publishes a wide range of books, including Russian and foreign classics, contemporary prose, genre fiction, children’s books, business textbooks, reference books, dictionaries, books on art and science. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Our publishing house was set up in 2008. We publish a wide variety of academic books, reference books, children’s literature, historical books and foreign literature in translation. We are proud of our talented and experienced editors and proofreaders. Our client base includes large government institutions and public organizations. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Azbooka-Atticus is one of Russia’s most successful trade publishers, with a leading share of the market. We publish picture books, children’s encyclopedias, contemporary middle-grade fiction, illustrated classics, board books, novelty books and movie tie-ins, fiction (Russian and foreign) and non-fiction. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The Book-Dealers Guild is a nonprofit organisation that was founded in 2000. The Guild unites leading Russian publishing houses, booksellers, public organizations, universities and library communities. The Book-Dealers Guild conducts international seminars, organizes visits to the world’s leading book fairs and holds a variety of forums and conferences. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Founded in 1989, Bridges of Culture is a non-profit organization committed to promoting an understanding of Jewish history, religion, culture and tradition among Russian-speaking populations around the world. We publish books on various Jewish subjects in Russian, as well as research and educational activity in Russian-speaking Jewish communities abroad. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Intended for writers under the age of 25, the annual Debut Prize is the largest and most authoritative Russian project spotlighting young talent today. Every year we receive up to 50,000 submissions from across Russia and worldwide. This new generation is declaring itself with increasing confidence in all literary areas. The winners are published in translation as well as in Russian. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Detgiz is one of Russia’s leading publishers. Its contribution to the development of literature for children and youth has no comparison in Russia. Detgiz has received a number of prestigious Russian and international awards including the Silver Letter, Book of the Year, H. C. Andreson International Diploma as well as many other honorary nominations. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

EKSMO publishing house was established in 1991 and is now one of the leading publishing houses in Russia, with over 10.000 titles published every year. In general Eksmo publishes contemporary and classical fiction, children’s books, business books and a wide range of non-fiction titles. About 25% of our output consists of translated titles. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Publishing since 1991, Elima produces encyclopedic and scientific literature on the oil and gas industry, energy, economics, ecology, global studies and architecture. Our publications are frequently used within the scientific community and government and business circles. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Europe Publishing House was established in 2005 with the aim of spreading political education, fortifying the institutions of civil society and the political system of Russia as a European state. Europe sees its mission in reviving the genre of topical political books in Russian within a wide spectrum of formats. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

We specialize in the retail trade of Russian and English books on philosophy, sociology, culture, arts, fiction, non- fiction and poetry. We also publish and export Russian books to other countries. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Glagoslav Publications is an independent British-Dutch press specializing in the publication and worldwide distribution of English and Dutch language translations of fiction and non-fiction titles by Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian authors. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

With nearly 150 names represented, GLAS is the most comprehensive English-language source on Russian letters today -- a must for libraries, students and lovers of world literature. In 2010 we started a subseries featuring young writers under 35, winners of the Debut Prize. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Heter is a Tatar publishing house which generally publishes textbooks for educational institutions. Our output includes textbooks on the history of the Republic of Tatarstan, Tatar language and literature and different subjects translated from Russian into Tatar. Also dictionaries, books on self education, poetry and prose. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The Higher School of Economics publishing house specializes in scientific, educational and reference publications on economics, management, sociology, political science, psychology, law, philosophy, journalism, etc. We also maintain an extensive translation program for classical works that have never been published in Russian. We publish over 20 scientific journals. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The newly-established Institute of Translation in Moscow has been set up to support translators and publishers in delivering high quality works of Russian literature to foreign audiences. A comprehensive scheme of grants, prizes and educational programmes are available. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Iskusstvo SPB publishes scientific, educational and reference books on humanities such as philosophy, philology, history, ethnography, cultural history, as well as memoirs and books on Russian art. Special attention is devoted to the culture of St. Petersburg. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Since 2002, Iskusstvo-XXI has gladdened the hearts and eyes of readers with high quality art books. The primary publications are the books of The Russian Emigre Artists (Project manager Natalia Gordeeva), memoirs, diaries and biographies of the artists of all times and nations. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Ivan Limbakh Publishers was founded in 1995. The general principles of our publishing strategy are supporting and developing the best traditions of the book business: enlightenment and respect towards words and culture, attention to creative initiatives and readiness to collaborate with everyone who likes books. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The Knigabyte exhibition is the main Russian marketplace for innovations, technologies, devices, services and digital content for the book industry. The four day Knigabyte conference is the biggest Russian event on digital and cross-platform publishing. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Knizhniki Publishers focuses on publishing and promoting Russian language, Jewish-themed literature written by important international authors on a wide variety of subjects. Currently, we have published more than 150 fiction titles, 70 non-fiction and more than 35 illustrated book series for children. In 2011 we inaugurated a new series which publishes works on Jewish history. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

If there are books which speak honestly and in an interesting manner on the most complicated issues, describing life in different parts of the world and destroying the walls of misunderstanding and internal deafness, these are the books of KompasGuide publishing house. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Founded in 1988, we are the oldest private publishing house in Russia. We publish literature on the history and culture of Russia and on world art and culture. Nonfiction, memoir literature, guidebooks and specialized references. Original special editions, presentable, jubilee themed albums and books. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Limbus Press was established in 1990 and therefore is one of the oldest privately owned publishing houses in post-Soviet Russia. From the very beginning of its activity Limbus has been dealing with high quality literature – both Russian and foreign. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

LitRes is the no.1 ebook distributor and seller in Russia. Founded in 2006, the LitRes book store currently contains more than 250,000 titles. Our company works directly with the largest Russian publishing houses (Eksmo, AST, MIF, Ripol) and with many popular authors. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Founded in 1922, Molodaya Gvardiya is Russia’s oldest publishing house. We have published the biographical series Lives of Outstanding People, the Living History series and The Near Past series of memoirs among many others. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Moscow City Publishing programmes offer support for the development of important publications about Moscow, focusing in particular on significant dates in Moscow’s history and the lives of prominent Muscovites. Over 450 titles have been published since 1993, including historical books, belles-lettres, encyclopedias, poetry, dictionaries, guides, collected works and folios. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Mozaika Sintez is one of the biggest educational publishers in Russia. Our education series have sold millions of copies. Mozaika Sintez publishes activity books, sticker – coloring books and many other educational books for pre-school. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The National Library of Russia is the unchallenged leader in the field of librarianship, bibliography and history of book publishing in Russia. We publish books of bibliography, library science, reference books in humanities, catalogues of various collections and facsimile editions. One of the main activities of our publishing house is to promote and circulate unique books stored in the library. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Olga Morozova Publishers was founded in 2004. We publish best-sellers by authors from Russia, USA, Great Britain, Turkey, Norway, Finland and Sweden. All of our books are published in Russian for the first time and are translated by the best Russian translators. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

OLMA Media Group is a publishing house with 20 years history. Currently it is one of the fastest developing publishing companies in Russian book market. It is on the list of five largest Russian publishing houses. The books which are published by OLMA are aimed at a wide range of readers. The product range varies from fiction and non- fiction to gift books and reference guides. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The publishing house was founded in the late 1990s in Orenburg, located on the border between Europe and Asia. It specializes in the publishing of belle-lettres, local literature, albums of Orenburg artists and biographies of outstanding people whose lives were associated with Orenburg, including the world’s first astronaut, Yuri Gagarin. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Phantom Press was founded in 1992 and focuses on the best of modern foreign literature and high-quality bestsellers, mainly from the USA and UK. Our catalogue of fiction authors includes Stephen Fry, Aravind Adiga, Kathryn Stockett, Khaled Hosseini, Jonathon Coe, Susan Townsend, Hugh Laurie and many others. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Prosveshcheniye Publishers is the leading educational publishing house in the Russian Federation. We publish about 2000 top-quality textbooks in all disciplines, foreign languages manuals, dictionaries, maps, visual aids, popular scientific books, educational games, e-learning materials. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Publishing House was founded on 1 January 1957 in the Moscow State Institute of international relations. Since 1963, acts as a national publishing house specialized in the production of literature on international issues. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Founded in 1992, THE RUSSIAN POLITICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA (ROSSPEN) is the leading Russian academic publisher and issues circa 100 new titles a year on history, philosophy, political and social sciences and memoirs. It is the largest Russian publisher of 20th century archives of the history of Russia and the Soviet Union. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Rubezh Pacific publishes the Oriel Branch series devoted to literature by emigrants from the Far East of Russia as well as contemporary novels, historical novels, memoirs, gift and illustrated books and translated prose and poetry of the Pacific Ocean countries. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The Russian government agency responsible for the development of the publishing industry and information resources and technologies in Russia. The Russia stand is part of a wider programme launched by FAPMC to promote Russian literature abroad and build stronger links between Russian and international publishers.
Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The Russian State Library is the largest library publisher in Russia. One of the reference directions of publishing is the popularisation and introduction of unique rare books stored in Library for scientific purposes. Special attention is given to bibliographic indexes, catalogues, collections of scientific papers and monographs, reference and encyclopedic literature. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Today the modern Children’s literature market in Russia is dominated by books for young children and a large percentage is non-fiction, primarily mass market. In the world of fiction we find mostly re-edited classics, fantasy or detective novels. There is an alarmingly small number of editors who focus their   attention on serious (what is known as socially significant) literature. Samokat is one of them. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Solzhenitsyn House for the Russian Diaspora is a unique complex, combining the activities of a museum, archive, library, research, publishing and educational center. Its main activity is linked to the historical phenomenon of Russian emigration. It includes a research department on Solzhenitsyn’s heritage, in preparation for the opening of his flat as museum. Book publishing is conducted in collaboration with the publishing house Russian Way. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

SovA Literature and Publishing Agency looks for talented unknown or overlooked authors to publish and promote on the international book market. One of our key aims is to publish books with vivid illustrations, designed by up- and coming young artists. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center is a new Russian noncommercial organisation, directed at promoting the development of the Institute of Presidency in Russia. The sociocultural Presidential Center includes a museum, exhibition and discussion center, a branch of the Boris Yeltsin’s Presidential library and Center for information and education activities and expertise. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The Educational and Instructional Center for Railway Transportation is a unique publishing house in Russia, specialising in the release of educational, scientific and   historical literature intended for educational establishments and enterprises linked to railway transportation. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

The Publishing-Polygraphic Association of Universities of Russia was set up in 1997 and now integrates more than 80 leading universities of Russia. The Association is a professional union of publishers and printers which aims to protect their interests at regional, federal and international levels, to develop networks of book selling and to promote personal development in the printing and publishing profession. Submit your file/ book for publication atphotonjournal@yahoo.com

The Russian Book Union is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation which unites the leading Russian publishers, book distribution and printers, as well as writers groups and associations. Its members total over 1500. The union works to develop the culture of reading as well as the growth of Russia's book industry. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Tatar Book House publishes the best of Tatar literature, aiming to reflect the interests not only of the Tatar nation, but all living in our multicultural republic. We produce textbooks for schools and higher education establishments, dictionaries, books of reference and literature on the history and culture of Russia.Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Publisher of Russian and translated books on social sciences and humanities. The publisher of the Institute of Europe, Institute of Sociology, Institute of General History, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian co-publisher of international organizations: UN, UNESCO, FAO, WHO, ILO, IMF, OECD and World Bank. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Veshnie Vody publishes books by professional writers from the Orel region, albums by local artists, books on local history, the annual magazine «Literary Orel», gift albums and postcards of regional cities. Our books are found in libraries throughout the region and are much in demand across Russia. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Vremya focuses on modern Russian prose and poetry, Russian classics of the twentieth century, literary criticism, nonfiction, and books for children and adolescents. Our books have received numerous Russian and international awards. One of the most noticeable features is the high quality of art and printing performance. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Zaman Publishing House specializes in publishing high-quality printed products, including artistic albums, reference books, children’s literature and booklets on leading companies from the Republic of Tatarstan. About 35 books with circulation between 1-10 thousand copies are published annually. Submit your file/ book for publication at photonjournal@yahoo.com

International Library for Thesis publishes thesis at international level. Thesis can be submitted at photonjournal@yahoo.com

Universal Book Number (UBN) is advanced and superior to ISBN. Universal Book Number (UBN) has replaced old inferior ISBN system. You must always ask your publisher for Universal Book Number (UBN) for your book.
Publishing Companies in the directory
Subjects Academic440 Action31 Adventure56 Agriculture12 Architecture20 Art783 Autobiography21 Biography235 Board Books41 Business745 Calendar4 Children836 Christian247 Cinema45 Classics117 College130 Comics187 Commercial Fiction23 Computer161 Construction45 Contemporary146 Cookbook79 Crafts94 Crime31 Criticism98 Cultural Studies22 Current Affairs111 Design117 Diet48 Drama91 Ecology9 Economics146 Education546 Encyclopedia41 Entertainment33 Essays103 Family170 Fantasy53 Fiction653 Film43 Finance97 Fitness54 Food45 Foreign Language83 Games63 Gardening55 Gender Studies8 General Fiction24 Government68 Graphic Novel46 Health287 Historical Fiction16 History402 Hobby48 Horror19 How To29 Humour20 Inspirational40 Journalism11 Juvenile124 Language246 Law126 Letters52 Lifestyle28 Literary Criticism47 Literary Fiction36 Literature354 Mathematics69 Medical173 Memoir18 Military70 Movie25 Multicultural15 Music278 Mystery20 Narrative10 Natural History39 Nature84 Novel100 Nursing31 Parenting71 Performing Arts42 Pets26 Philosophy155 Photography110 Picture Books137 Poetry241 Political Science53 Politics107 Pop Culture8 Poster11 Psychiatry24 Psychology103 Reference293 Relationship81 Religion434 Romance83 School189 Science405 Science Fiction45 Self-Help125 Short Story16 Social Sciences92 Society246 Software80 Spirituality304 Sports111 Stage6 Suspense7 Teaching105 Technology125 Television14 Text111 Theology44 Thriller62 Transportation19 Travel154 True Crime5 Women41 Young Adult59 All Subjects Subjects by no. of publishers Popular Subjects Children836 Art783 Business745 Fiction653 Education546 Academic440 Religion434 Science405 History402 Literature354 Spirituality304 Reference293 Health287 Music278 Christian247 Language246 Society246 Poetry241 Biography235 School189 Comics187 Medical173 Family170 Computer161 Philosophy155 Travel154 Economics146 Contemporary146 Picture Books137 College130 Law126 Technology125 Self-Help125 Juvenile124 Classics117 Design117 Sports111 Text111 Current Affairs111 Photography110 Politics107 Teaching105 Essays103 Psychology103 Novel100 Criticism98 Finance97 Crafts94 Social Sciences92 Drama91 Nature84 Foreign Language83 Romance83 Relationship81 Software80 Cookbook79 Parenting71 Military70 Mathematics69 Government68 Games63 Thriller62 Young Adult59 Adventure56 Gardening55 Fitness54 Political Science53 Fantasy53 Letters52 Hobby48 Diet48 Literary Criticism47 Graphic Novel46 Food45 Science Fiction45 Cinema45 Construction45 Theology44 Film43 Performing Arts42 Encyclopedia41 Women41 Board Books41 Inspirational40 Natural History39 Literary Fiction36 Entertainment33 Action31 Nursing31 Crime31 How To29 Lifestyle28 Pets26 Movie25 General Fiction24 Psychiatry24 Commercial Fiction23 Cultural Studies22 Autobiography21 Architecture20 Humour20 Mystery20 Horror19 Transportation19 Memoir18 Short Story16 Historical Fiction16 Multicultural15 Television14 Agriculture12 Poster11 Journalism11 Narrative10 Ecology9 Gender Studies8 Pop Culture8 Suspense7 Stage6 True Crime5 Calendar4

Media Audio Book52 Audiovisual13 Book2130 Calendar121 Comic10 Digital Content36 E-Book987 Greeting Card12 Journal476 Kindle28 Magazine625 Map184 Newspaper3197 Online377 Postcard14 Poster45 Self Publishing94 All Media Media by no. of publishers Popular Media Newspaper3197 Book2130 E-Book987 Magazine625 Journal476 Online377 Map184 Calendar121 Self Publishing94 Audio Book52 Poster45 Digital Content36 Kindle28 Postcard14 Audiovisual13 Greeting Card12 Comic10

Languages Afrikaans1 Albanian2 Amharic1 Arabic89 Armenian2 Basque8 Bengali24 Bihari1 Breton1 Bulgarian5 Burmese1 Cambodian1 Catalan24 Chinese100 Croatian11 Czech23 Danish64 Dutch94 English3784 Estonian4 Fiji2 Finnish8 French455 Galician5 Georgian14 German946 Greek68 Gujarati4 Hausa1 Hebrew19 Hindi55 Hungarian4 Icelandic3 Indonesian1 Irish22 Italian292 Japanese78 Kannada3 Kazakh1 Korean57 Latin25 Lithuanian6 Malay18 Malayalam5 Maltese1 Maori1 Marathi3 Norwegian10 Occitan1 Persian13 Polish63 Portuguese77 Punjabi2 Romanian14 Russian99 Sanskrit5 Serbian8 Serbo-Croatian1 Sesotho1 Setswana2 Sindhi1 Siswati1 Slovak7 Spanish367 Sudanese1 Swahili9 Swedish20 Tamil10 Tegulu2 Thai15 Tibetan1 Tsonga1 Turkish59 Twi2 Ukrainian17 Urdu20 Vietnamese6 Welsh3 Wolof1 Xhosa1 Yoruba1 Zulu3 All Languages Languages by no. of publishers Popular Languages English3784 German946 French455 Spanish367 Italian292 Chinese100 Russian99 Dutch94 Arabic89 Japanese78 Portuguese77 Greek68 Danish64 Polish63 Turkish59 Korean57 Hindi55 Latin25 Catalan24 Bengali24 Czech23 Irish22 Swedish20 Urdu20 Hebrew19 Malay18 Ukrainian17 Thai15 Georgian14 Romanian14 Persian13 Croatian11 Norwegian10 Tamil10 Swahili9 Basque8 Finnish8 Serbian8 Slovak7 Vietnamese6 Lithuanian6 Galician5 Bulgarian5 Sanskrit5 Malayalam5 Hungarian4 Estonian4 Gujarati4 Marathi3 Kannada3 Icelandic3 Welsh3 Zulu3 Albanian2 Armenian2 Twi2 Tegulu2 Punjabi2 Setswana2 Fiji2 Burmese1 Wolof1 Occitan1 Cambodian1 Bihari1 Sindhi1 Indonesian1 Yoruba1 Breton1 Amharic1 Serbo-Croatian1 Hausa1 Afrikaans1 Maori1 Kazakh1 Xhosa1 Tsonga1 Maltese1 Sudanese1 Sesotho1 Tibetan1 Siswati1

Cities Aachen4 Aarhus2 Abbotsford1 aberdeen1 Abergele1 Abingdon4 abu dhabi1 Abuja1 AC Amsterdam1 Accra4 Adelaide1 Agra1 Aguas Buenas1 Ahmedabad6 Ahrenshoop1 Aicurzio1 Akure1 Alameda2 Albany1 Alberton1 Albertslund1 Alcabideche1 Alcobendas1 Aldershot2 Alexandria8 Alf-Mosel1 Alfreton2 Alhambra1 Alkmaar1 Allahabad2 Allen1 Alliku Saue vald1 Almaty7 Alpedrete1 Alphen aan den Rijn1 Alpnach Dorf1 Altenstadt1 Alzira1 Alzira Valencia1 Amberg1 Amelinghausen1 Ames1 Amherst2 Amman4 Ammanford1 Amritsar1 Amstelveen1 Amsterdam32 Amstetten1 Andorra1 Anjou1 Ankara10 Ann Arbor2 Antelope1 Antioch1 Antwerpen7 Anyang-si1 Arcueil1 Arenys de Munt1 Arganda del Rey1 Århus1 Ariccia1 Arles1 Arlesheim1 Arlington4 Armonk1 Arnhem2 Arrone1 Ashdod1 Asheville1 Ashland3 Assago2 Assisi1 Asslar1 Atascadero1 Athens37 Atlanta5 Auckland6 Augsburg1 Austin3 Averbode2 Avin1 Avon1 Axminster1 Aylesbury4 Azeitão1 Baar1 Bad Breisig1 Bad Camberg1 Bad Ditzenbach1 Bad Langensalza1 Bad Liebenzell1 Bad Sassendorf1 Bad Schönborn1 Bad Tölz1 Badalona1 Baden4 Baden-Baden1 bairut1 Bakewell2 Balingen1 Baltimore4 Bamberg2 Bandar Utama1 Bandau1 Banff1 Bangalore8 Bangkok10 Barcarena1 Barcelona99 Bargteheide1 Bari1 Barnsley1 Barrie2 Basel12 Basingstoke2 Bassingbourn1 Bath7 Bath Avon3 Baton Rouge1 Battersea1 Bayreuth2 Bazzano1 Beaworthy1 Beckington1 Bedlinog1 Begbroke Oxford1 Beijing15 Beilstein1 Beirut16 Belfast1 Belgrade5 Bellcaire dEmpordà1 Bellevue3 Bellheim2 Bellingham1 Bellinzona1 Belmont2 Belvedere Marittimo1 Ben Gurion1 Bengalore2 Berg-Aufkirchen1 Bergatreute1 Bergisch Gladbach1 Berkeley5 Berlin96 Berlin-Douala1 Bermatingen1 Bern2 Bern-Göttingen-Toronto-Ca1 Bern-Stuttgart-Wien1 Bernau1 Bertrange1 Berwyn1 Bethel1 Bethesda2 Beuron1 Beverly1 Bhopal2 Bideford1 Bielefeld6 Bilbao3 bina1 Bindlach1 Bingley1 Birkenhead2 Birmingham7 Blackheath1 Blackrock1 Blackstock1 Blainville1 Blata-l-Bajda1 Bleasby1 Bloomington10 Bloxham1 Blumenau1 Boca Raton1 Bocholt1 Bochum2 Bodenheim1 Boelhout1 Bogotà2 Boise2 Bolingbrook2 Bologna9 Bolokanang1 Bombay1 Bonn12 Bordeaux2 Borgerhout2 Borlänge1 Boston11 Bothell1 Boucherville1 Boulder2 Bowral1 Bozen3 Brackley1 Braedstrup1 Braga1 Brake1 Brandenburg2 Bratislava17 Braunschweig4 Breda1 Bremen8 Brentford1 Brentwood2 Brescia2 Bresso2 Bridgetown1 Bridlington1 Brighton2 Bristol7 Brno4 Bromma1 Brooklyn5 Brookvale1 Broomall1 Broome1 Brossard1 Brügg1 Brugge1 Brüssel1 Brussels7 Bruxelles27 Buchanan1 Bucharest11 Bucuresti2 Budapest10 Buderim1 Buea1 Buenos Aires30 Buntingford1 Burbank1 Burgos1 Burgrain2 Burgrieden1 Burlington2 Bury1 Bussum2 Butterworth1 Cagaan de Oro City1 Cagliari8 Caguas1 Cairo11 Calcutta2 Calgary5 Cali1 Calicut2 Camberwell2 Cambridge14 Camden1 Campi Bisenzio1 Campinas1 Canberra2 Canet de Rosselló1 Cantalupa1 Canterbury2 Caoe Town1 Cape Town4 Caracas2 Carbondale1 Carindale1 Carlsbad1 Carlton North2 Carmarthen2 Carol Stream2 Carouge1 Carson1 Casablanca1 Casale MTO1 Casalnoceto1 Cascais1 Case-Pilote1 Castlemaine2 Cazadero1 Celje1 Celle1 Cesky Tesin1 Cestlice1 Chalfont St Peter1 Chamalières1 Champaign2 Chandigarh3 Chandler1 Chanhassen1 Chapel Hill2 Chardonne1 Charlotte1 Chelmsford1 Cheltenham5 Chelyabinsk2 Chemnitz1 Chennai19 Cheraga1 Chevron1 Chiang Mai1 Chicago27 Chichester3 Chinnor1 Chipping Sodbury1 Chisinau1 Chiyoda-ku1 Chorley1 Christchurch1 Chur2 Cilandak1 Cincinnati2 Cinisello Balsamo2 Cirencester5 Città del Vaticano2 Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos1 Ciudad de Buenos Aires1 Clarksville2 Clayton1 Clevedon1 Clinton1 Co Dublin Blackroc1 Cobham1 Coburg1 Cocos Islands1 Coimbatore1 Colchester3 Coleford1 Collegeville1 Collingwood1 Collingwood VIC1 Cologne2 Colombo1 Colorado Springs4 Columbia2 Columbus4 Conamara Co Galway1 Coolongolook1 Copenhagen42 Corfu1 Cork1 Cornaredo1 Corte Madera2 Corvallis1 Cotonou1 Coventry3 Cowansville1 Craiova1 Cremorne1 Crows Nest1 Croydon1 Crystal Beach1 Culemborg1 Curitiba1 Daejeon1 Dakar2 Damascus1 Danbury1 Dar es Salaam2 Dar-es salaam1 Darmstadt3 Darmstdt1 Deerfield Beach4 Dehra Dun1 DeKalb1 Delhi31 Delta1 Denklingen1 Denton1 Denver2 Depok1 Deva1 Dhaka3 Dieburg1 Diedorf1 Diegaro di Cesena1 Dietlikon1 Dindigul1 Dingle Co Kerry1 Dingley1 Docklands2 Domodedovo1 Don Mills1 Dongcheng District1 Donostia4 Dorfen1 Dorking2 Dorking Surrey1 Dornach2 Dortmund4 Douglas1 Dragash1 Dreieich3 Dresden5 Dresden-Leipzig1 Drexel Hill2 Drongen1 Dubai4 Dubieko1 Dublin12 Duderstadt1 Duffield1 Dunboyne1 Dundee1 Dunstable1 Durham1 Düsseldorf5 Earley1 East Bridgewater1 East Hendred1 East London1 East Petersburg1 Eastbourne1 Eastleigh1 Easton1 Eden Prairie1 Edgewood1 Edina1 Edinburgh11 Edison1 Edita1 Edmonton2 Egaleo1 Egling a d Paar1 Eich1 Einsiedeln1 Eislingen1 El Cason1 El Oued1 Elanora Heights1 Elgin1 Elk Grove Village1 Elland1 Ellerslie1 Elsterberg1 Elsternwick2 Eltville1 Ely1 Emalahleni1 Emmendingen1 Enfield3 Enghien1 Enschede1 Enugu1 Enumclaw1 Eppertshausen1 Eppstein1 Erding1 Erftstadt1 Erfurt1 Erlangen3 Espelkamp1 Esplugues de Llobregat1 Essen4 Essex2 Esslingen2 Estella1 Estella-Navarra1 Etobicoke1 Eugene1 Evanston1 Evansville1 Evry Cedex1 Exeter1 Fagagna1 Falciano1 Falls Church1 Faridkot1 Farnham2 Fawnskin1 Feldkirchen1 Felixstowe1 Ferntree Gully1 Ferrara1 Fes1 Fiesole1 Filderstadt2 Firenze5 Fishguard1 Fitzroy1 Flekkefjord1 Flensburg1 Floral Park1 Florence2 Foligno2 Folkestone1 Fontainebleau1 Forbach1 Forcalquier1 Forest Hill1 Forgandenny1 Forlì1 Forres1 Fort Bragg1 Fort Langley1 Fort Lauderdale3 Fort Mill1 Fort Myers2 Fort Saskatchewan1 Framingham2 Francheville1 Frankenhardt1 Frankfurt45 Frankfurt am Main1 Fränkisch-Crumbach1 Franklin Lakes1 Frauenfeld1 Frederick1 Frederiksberg2 Freguesia do O1 Freiburg14 Freiburg i Br1 Fremantle2 Frenchs Forest1 Fribourg1 Friedberg1 Frome1 Fuente el Saz1 Fulda1 Fürstenzell1 Gaash1 Galashiels1 Galway1 Ganderkesee1 Garden City1 Gardiner1 Gardolo1 Gärtringen1 Gdansk3 Gelnhausen2 Genarp1 Geneva3 Genève5 Genova2 Gent3 George Town1 Ghaziabad1 Giessen4 Gifkendorf1 Girona1 Giza1 Glamsbjerg1 Gland1 Glasgow6 Glen Forrest1 Glendale1 Glendowie2 Glostrup1 Gloucester2 Goa1 Godalming1 Goldenrod1 Gorakhpur1 Göteborg2 Gotha1 Göttingen8 Göttingen-Bern-Toronto-Ca1 Gräfelfing1 Grafing1 Grand Rapids4 Graz3 Graz-Wien1 Great Abington1 Great Bardfield1 Great Barrington1 Great Gaddesden1 GREELEY1 Greensboro1 Greensborough1 Greenville1 Greenwood Village1 Gretna1 Grez Doiceau1 Grimbergen1 Gross-Umstadt1 Grosse Pointe Park1 Grünwald2 Guangzhou4 Guatemala1 Guestling1 Guildford2 Guilford1 Guipuzcoa1 Gurgaon6 Gustavsburg1 Gütersloh7 Guwahati2 Gyeonggi3 Haan-Gruiten1 Haarlem2 Hadleigh1 Haedo1 Hagendorn1 Haigerloch-Bittelbronn1 Halifax2 Halle3 Halstead1 Hamburg54 Hamilton1 Hampton1 Handewitt1 Hangzhou3 Hannover4 Hanoi3 Harbarnsen1 Haripur1 Harley Shrewsbury1 Harlow2 Harmanec1 Harpenden1 Hartsel1 Hasselager1 Hasselt1 Hauppauge1 Hauzenberg1 Hawthorn1 Hayling Island1 Haywards Heath2 Hedge End1 Hefei1 Heidelberg9 Heilbronn1 Heimsheim1 Hellerup1 Hellinikon1 Helsinki7 Henstridge1 Heppenheim1 Herefordshire1 Herisau1 Hermosa Beach1 Herndon1 Herne Hill1 Herrischried2 Herrsching-Breitbrunn1 Hersham1 Hershey1 Hertfordshire1 Herzliya1 Heverlee1 HI1 Highland Village1 Hildesheim5 Hillesheim1 Hillsboro1 Hillsborough1 Hindhead1 Hingham1 HJARNARP1 Hoboken2 Hockenheim1 Hod Hosharon1 Höfen1 Hohenems1 Höhenkirchen1 Hojbjerg Aarhus1 Hollister1 Hollstadt1 Holly Hill1 Holzgerlingen2 Holzkirchen2 Honesdale1 Honesdayl1 Hong Kong88 Horn1 Horred-Varberg1 Horsham1 Houston5 Houten2 Hove4 Howick1 Huay Ya1 Huddersfield1 Hudson2 Hünfelden1 Huntington1 Huntington Beach1 Hyderabad7 Icking1 Idstein1 Igling1 Ikeja1 Ikenobe1 Ikot-Ekpene1 Ilishan-Remo1 Inderlok1 Indianapolis4 Ingelheim1 Ingersheim1 Innsbruck7 Insingen1 Intercourse1 Invercargill1 Inwood1 Iola1 Ipswich1 Irun1 Irvine2 Irvington1 Islamabad2 Ismaning1 Isolo1 Issy-les-Moulineaux4 Istanbul39 Ithaca1 Ivry1 Izmir2 Iznang1 Jackson1 Jagdalpur1 Jaipur6 Jakarta Selatan1 Jammu1 Jeddah1 Jefferson1 Jena1 Jerusalem4 Jodhpur3 Johannesburg8 Jößnitz1 Jounieh1 Kaarst1 Kabul1 Kandern1 Kangaroo Flat1 Kansas City2 Kapellen1 Kappelrodeck1 Karachi11 Kassel5 Kaunas2 Kehl1 Keighley1 Kelkheim1 Kelowna1 Kelso1 Kempen2 Kendal1 Kent1 Kenzingen1 Ketteringham1 Kevelaer2 Kew1 Kfar Saba3 Kharkiv1 Kharkov2 Khartoum1 Kibworth Beauchamp1 Kiel2 Kiev1 Kigali1 Kings Lynn1 Kingston5 Kingston upon Thames1 Kingstown1 Kirchentellinsfurt1 Kirchhain1 Kirchzarten1 Kissimmee1 Kisujszallas1 Klagenfurt2 Klein Jasedow1 Kleinmachnow1 Kleinsendelbach1 Kleve1 Klitten-Tauer1 Klosterneuburg2 Knoxville1 Kochi1 Köge1 Kolhapur1 Kolkata7 Köln26 Kongens Lyngby1 Königsdorf1 Königstein1 Königswinter3 Konstanz3 Koppa1 Korb1 Kornwestheim1 Koropi1 Kotagiri1 Kottayam3 Kowloon1 Kraków11 Krefeld1 Kreuzlingen3 Kriens2 Kromsdorf1 Kuala Lumpur6 Kulmbach1 Kumamoto-shi1 Künzelsau1 Kyiv5 La Canada1 La Jolla1 La Plaine Saint-Denis1 La Roca del Vallès-Barcel1 La Vergne1 Labege1 Lacey1 Lage2 Lagos6 Laguna Beach2 Laguna Hills1 Lahore7 Lahr2 Lake Mary1 Lakeland1 Lakeville1 Landau2 Landshut1 Lane Cove1 Langenargen1 Langenhagen1 Langport1 Lanham2 Las Vega1 Las Vegas4 Lasne1 Lausanne1 Le Hohwald1 Leck1 Leduc1 Leer1 Leesport1 Leicester4 Leiden2 Leiden-Boston1 Leipzig8 Lenzburg1 Leominster1 Leon2 Leonberg1 Les Plans1 Lesko1 Leuven4 Levallois-Perret1 Leverkusen1 Lewes1 Lewes East Sussex1 Lewisburg1 Lewisville1 Liberec1 Libertyville1 Lich2 Lichtenau1 Liège1 Lilienthal1 Lima1 Limburg1 Lincoln2 Lincolnwood1 Linden1 Lindfield1 Linz5 Lippstadt1 Lisboa17 Lisbon2 Lisse1 Little Canada1 Liverpool1 Livorno1 Ljubljana9 Lodi1 Logan1 Logan City1 Logan Township1 Lohn1 Lohndorf1 Lohr-Halsbach1 London326 London-Philadelphia1 Long Island City6 Los Angeles8 Louisville4 Louvain-La-Neuve3 Lübeck1 Lucea1 Lucknow3 Ludhiana2 Ludlow Shropshire1 Ludwigsburg2 Lüneburg1 Luton2 Luxembourg3 Luzern5 Lviv2 Lychen1 Lynbrook1 Lyon3 Macclesfield1 Macon1 Macoya1 Madison1 Madrid49 Madurai2 Mahwah1 Maidenhead3 Maintal1 Mainz11 Maitland2 Makati City2 Malibu2 Malmö1 Malmö5 Malvern2 Mamfe City1 Manchester6 Manhattan Beach2 Manila1 Mankato1 Mannheim5 Manosque1 Mantova1 Mapo-gu1 Maraval1 Marblehead1 Marburg3 Marcinelle1 Maria Laach1 Marilia1 Marina di Massa1 Markgröningen1 Markham5 Marktheidenfeld1 Marktleuthen1 Marktoberdorf1 Maroochydore1 Marrickville1 Marseille1 Martin1 Marton1 Mashad1 Mason1 Materials Park1 Matosinhos1 Matoury1 McHenry2 Mechanicsburg1 Mechelen1 medan1 Meerut4 Melbourne11 Melle1 Melville1 Memphis1 Mendocino1 Menges1 Méolans-Revel1 Mequon1 Merida1 Mermaid Waters2 Meßkirch1 Metamorfosi Athens1 México4 México City12 México D.F.2 Miami Beach2 Milan2 Milano65 MILANO MI1 Milano-Genève1 Milton Keynes1 Milwaukee1 Milwaukie1 Minburi1 Minden1 Mineola1 Minneapolis10 Minnetonka1 Minsk1 Mississauga2 Modena6 Moffat1 Moldau1 Monaco2 Moncton1 Montcombroux les Mines1 Monte San Vito1 Monterey3 Monterrey1 Montevideo2 Montigny-Le-Bretonneux1 Montréal1 Montréal32 Montrouge2 Monza1 Mörfelden-Walldorf1 Moriarty1 Morsbach1 Morton Grove1 Moruya1 Moscow34 Moses Lake1 Mosman1 Mossautal1 Mössingen-Talheim1 Motley1 Moulton Park1 Mount Gravatt East1 Mount Lawley1 Müchen1 Muenchen1 Mulgrave3 Mumbai14 München2 Munich90 Münster12 Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wi1 Münsterschwarzach1 Murcia1 MURFREESBORO1 Muri-Bern1 Mürlenbach1 Muzaffarnagar1 N Irakleio-Athens1 Naas1 Nacka Strand1 Nagercoil2 Nagoya-Shi1 Nairobi9 Namur2 Nantes3 Naperville1 Naples1 Napoli1 Nashville4 Nazareth1 Neckargemünd1 Neckenmarkt-Wien-München1 Nepi1 Neroth1 Netanya1 Nettersheim1 Nettetal-Kaldenkirchen1 Neufahrn1 Neumarkt1 Neureichenau1 Neustadt1 Neuweiler1 Nevada City1 New Canaan1 New Dehi2 New Delhi54 New Haw1 New Lanark1 New Orleans1 New Providence1 New York121 New York City20 Newark2 Newbury2 Newbury Berkshire1 Newbury Port1 Newcastle upon Tyne2 Newport2 Newton Abbot2 Newton Abbot Devon1 Niagara Falls2 Nice1 Nicosia4 Nidderau1 Nidderau-Windecken1 Niedertaufkirchen1 Nîmes1 nishinomiya1 Nizamuddin West1 Nocera Inferiore1 Noida5 Nonnweiler1 Noordwijk1 Norcross1 Nordhastedt1 Nördlingen2 Norfolk1 Norman1 North Adams1 North Burleigh1 North Clarendon2 North Mankato1 North Melbourne1 North Olmsted1 North Pomfret1 North Riding1 North Salem1 North Vancouver1 North Yarmouth1 Northampton3 Northeim1 Northwood1 Norwalk4 Norwich1 Norwood3 Nottingham1 Nottuln1 Nouan-Le-Fuzelier1 Novara1 Novi Sad3 Novo Mesto1 Novosibirsk1 Nuekeferloh1 Nuoro2 Nuremberg1 Nürnberg9 Oakland2 Oakville1 Oberbrechen1 Oberburg1 Oberdorf1 Oberhofen1 Obernburg am Main1 Oberstdorf1 Oberursel3 Oceanside1 Ockenfels1 Odder1 Oetwil a S1 Offenbach2 Ojai1 Olbia1 Old Saybrook1 Oldenburg2 Olen1 Olten1 Olton1 Ontario1 Oostkamp1 Oradea1 Örebro1 Orlando2 Ormoc City1 Orselina1 Oshawa1 Oslo13 Ostenfeld1 Ostfildern4 Ostrava1 Oststeinbek1 Otaku Tokyo1 Ottawa10 Ottenhofen1 Ouargla1 Oxford32 Oxted1 Oy-Mittelberg1 Paderborn3 Padova2 Paju-si1 Paju-si Gyeonggi-do2 Pak Kret1 Palm Coast1 Palm Desert1 Palmgrove1 Palo Alto1 Pampore1 Panipitiya1 Paradise Valley1 Parede1 Paris152 Paris Cedex 131 Parma1 Parsippany1 Passau1 Patna1 Peaslake1 Pécs1 Peiting3 Pelham1 Pembrokeshire1 Penrith1 Pensacola2 Penticton1 PEORIA1 Peristeri Athens1 Perth3 Perugia1 Pesaro1 Petaling Jaya1 Peterborough1 Petersberg2 Pfalzfeld1 Pforzheim1 Pfungstadt1 Philadelphia4 Phnom Penh2 Phoenix3 Pieterlen1 Pikeville1 Pingelly1 Piovene Rocchette1 Pirae Tahiti1 Pisa1 Piscataway4 Pittsburg1 Pittsburgh2 Planegg1 Plauen1 Pleasant Grove1 Pleasantville2 Plzen2 Poggio Berni1 Pohorelice1 Pompano Beach1 Pontevedra2 Poole Dorset1 Porchester1 Port harcourt1 Port Melbourne1 Portland9 Porto3 Powys1 Poznan2 Prag1 Prague9 Praha12 Prasanthi Nilayam1 Preserje1 Princeton2 Prior Velho1 Providence1 Prutting1 Pulborogh1 Pulderbos1 Punaauia1 Pune6 Pymble1 Pyrmont1 Québec1 Québec3 Quezon City5 Quickborn2 Raanana1 Rahway1 Raipur1 Raleigh1 Ramallah1 Rastatt1 Rastede1 Ravenna1 Ravensburg1 Reading3 Red Deer1 Red Wing1 Redwood City1 Regensburg1 Reggio Calabria1 Reggio Emilia1 Regina1 Reid im Innkreis1 Reinach1 Reinbek1 Reinbek bei Hamburg1 Remagen1 Renfrew1 Reston3 Rethymnon1 Reutlingen2 Reykjavik6 Rheurdt1 Richmond6 Richmond Hill2 Richmond South1 Richmond Surrey1 Riedlingen1 Riesa1 Riga6 Riihimaki1 Rijswijk1 Rincon1 Ringwood1 Rio de Janeiro5 Risskov1 Rivoli1 Riyadh1 Rochdale1 Rochester4 Rockhampton1 Rodez1 Rodgau1 Roes1 Roeselare1 ROHTAK1 Roma21 Roma-Bari1 Rome6 Romford Essex1 Rondebosch1 Roorkee1 Rosario S F1 Rosebank1 Rosemont1 Rosenheim2 Rosh Pinna1 Ross-Shire1 Rostock1 Rotterdam5 Roubaix1 Rowville2 Royal Oak1 Rozzano1 Rugby3 Ruscombe1 Rÿswÿk1 S Martino BA2 s-Hertogenbosch1 São Paulo2 Saarbrücken1 Saarbrücken1 Sachse1 Sag Harbor1 Saginaw1 Saint André1 Saint Lluis1 Saint Louis1 Saint Rémy en lEau1 Saint-Boniface1 Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville1 Saint-Lambert1 Saint-Laurent1 Sainte-Brigitte de Laval1 Salem1 Salisbury1 Salt Lake City1 Salzburg2 Salzgitter1 Samara1 San Antonio2 San Casciano Val di Pesa1 San Diego4 San Francisco10 San Rafael1 San Salvador1 San Sebastian1 San Sebastián de La Gomer1 San Sebastián de los Reyes1 San Vendemiano1 Sandhurst1 Santa Barbara1 Santa Clara County1 Santa Coloma de Queralt1 Santa Monica2 Santa Rosa1 Santarcangelo di Romagna1 Santiago1 São Paulo17 Sarajevo1 Sarnia1 Sarzana1 Sassari2 Sausalito1 Savona1 Sawtry1 Scandicci1 Scarborough1 Schelle1 Schoden1 Schoeneck1 Scholen1 Schöngeising1 Schopfheim2 Schramberg-Sulgen1 Schwaan1 Schwanstetten1 Schwerte1 Scientrier1 Seaside1 Seattle8 Sebastopol1 Segovia1 Segrate-Milano1 Sekowa1 Selangor1 Selden1 Selinsgrove1 Seminole1 Senica1 Seoul31 Serrouville1 Sevenoaks1 Shanghai2 Sharjah3 Sheffield2 Shefford1 Shelton1 Shenyang3 Shenzhen1 Shepperton1 Sheung Wan1 Shimoga1 Shipston on Stour1 Shrewsbury1 Siena1 Silver Spring3 Simbach am Inn1 Simmern1 Singapore31 Singhofen1 Sint Niklaas1 Skalica1 Skopje2 Slovenská Lupca1 Sofia2 Solapur1 Somerset1 Somerville1 Sonora1 South Melbourne3 South Yarra1 Southam Warwickshire1 Southampton2 Southbury1 Southport1 Soveria Mannelli1 Sparta1 Split1 Springe2 Springfield3 Srinagar2 St Albans2 St Andrä-Wörden1 St Catharines1 St Gallen2 St Helier Jersey1 St Ilves1 St Louis2 St Lucia1 St Moritz1 St Ottilien1 St Paul2 St Petersburg2 St Pölten2 St-Catharines1 St-Jérôme1 St-Martens-Latem1 St. Catharines1 Stafa-Zurich2 Stamford1 Stamsried1 Staufen1 Stavanger1 Sterling4 Steubenville1 Stevenage1 Stirling1 Stockholm19 Stockport1 Stocksfield1 Strasbourg1 Stratford1 Strombeek-Bever1 Stroud2 Studio City2 Stuttgart26 Stuttgart-New York1 Su Planu-Selargius1 Sudbury1 Summertown1 Sundbyberg1 Sung Shan District1 Surrey3 Sutton Coldfield1 Swindon5 Sydney10 Sydney NSW1 Syracuse1 Sywell1 Szeged1 Tafalla1 Taguig1 Taipei5 Taipei City1 Tallinn1 Taman Bukit Maluri1 Tamarac1 Tampa1 Tampere1 Taormina1 Taoyuan City1 Taunton1 Tavistock1 Tbilisi11 Teaneck2 Tehran8 Tel Aviv6 Tel-Aviv1 Telluride1 Ternopil2 Tetovo1 Thalwil1 The Australian National U1 Thessaloniki1 Tholey-Hasborn1 Thornhill1 Thorofare1 Thousand Oaks1 Thrumpton1 Tianjin1 Tirana1 Tirur1 Titz-Rödingen1 Togher1 Tokyo29 Tomales1 Torino12 Toronto27 Torrance1 Torshavn2 Toulon1 Toulouse6 Traverse City1 Triesen1 Trieste2 Troina1 Troisdorf1 Tübingen6 Tulsa2 Tunbridge1 Tunbridge Wells6 tunis2 Tunisie1 Turnhout1 Twickenham1 Überlingen1 Uffikon1 Ufhusen1 Uhlstädt-Kirchhasel1 Uhrichsville1 Ultimo1 Unity Estate1 University Park1 Unterschleissheim1 Upland1 Upper Montclair1 Upper Saddle River3 Uppsala2 Utrecht1 Uzhgorod1 Vadodara1 Valby1 Valencia6 Valladolid1 Valletta1 Valley Park1 Valls Tarragona1 Vancouver6 Vanderbijlpark1 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy1 Varese1 Västerås2 Vatican City1 Vauvert1 Veghel1 Vejle1 Venezia2 Ventura2 Vera Cruz1 Vercelli3 Verona1 Versailles1 Vianen1 Vicente López1 Vicenza3 Victoria3 Vienna5 Viersen1 Vigo2 Vijaywada1 Vilaboa1 Vilamoura1 Villanova Monteleone1 Vilnius2 Vimodrone1 Virginia Beach1 Virum1 Voznice1 Vrasene1 Wailuku1 Wakefield1 Wald-Michelbach1 Waldenburg1 Waldmünchen1 Walnut1 Walnut Creek1 Waltham2 Ware2 Warminster1 Warrendale1 Warriewood1 Warsaw5 Warszawa23 Washington21 Washington, D. C.1 Waterford1 Waterloo2 Watertown1 Watford2 Wattana1 Wattenheim1 Wavre2 Wayne3 Waynesville1 Weil1 Weilersbach2 Weimar1 Weinbach-Elkerhausen1 Weingarten1 Weinheim2 Weinsberg1 Wellesley1 Wellington2 Wels1 Wesel2 West Conshohocken2 West Palm Beach1 Westerstede1 Westmont1 Westport1 Weybridge Surrey1 Wheaton3 Wiarton1 Wielsbeke1 Wien36 Wiesbaden5 Wietzendorf1 Wilburgstetten1 Wilhelmshaven1 Wilmington1 Winchester2 Windsor1 Winford1 Winnipeg2 Witchcliffe1 Witney3 Witten4 Witzenhausen1 Witzwort1 Woburn1 Wokingham1 Wollombi1 Wommelgem1 Woodbridge5 Woodbury2 Woodinville1 Woodstock5 Woolahra1 Woollahra1 Worksop1 Worthing1 Worthington1 Wragby1 Wroclaw3 Wuppertal4 Würzburg5 Wynyard1 Yachats1 Yakima1 Yardville1 Yellow Springs1 Yeovil1 Yerevan1 Yonghe District1 Yonkers1 Zadverice1 Zagreb16 Zapopan1 Zemun1 Zug4 Zürich45 Zürich-Seebach1 All Cities Cities by no. of publishers Popular Cities London326 Paris152 New York121 Barcelona99 Berlin96 Munich90 Hong Kong88 Milano65 Hamburg54 New Delhi54 Madrid49 Frankfurt45 Zürich45 Copenhagen42 Istanbul39 Athens37 Wien36 Moscow34 Amsterdam32 Montréal32 Oxford32 Seoul31 Singapore31 Delhi31 Buenos Aires30 Tokyo29 Toronto27 Chicago27 Bruxelles27 Stuttgart26 Köln26 Warszawa23 Washington21 Roma21 New York City20 Stockholm19 Chennai19 Bratislava17 Lisboa17 São Paulo17 Beirut16 Zagreb16 Beijing15 Freiburg14 Cambridge14 Mumbai14 Oslo13 Basel12 Torino12 Bonn12 México City12 Praha12 Münster12 Dublin12 Cairo11 Bucharest11 Tbilisi11 Boston11 Kraków11 Melbourne11 Edinburgh11 Mainz11 Karachi11 Budapest10 San Francisco10 Minneapolis10 Bloomington10 Sydney10 Ankara10 Ottawa10 Bangkok10 Ljubljana9 Nürnberg9 Heidelberg9 Bologna9 Prague9 Nairobi9 Portland9 Bangalore8 Alexandria8 Cagliari8 Seattle8 Bremen8 Tehran8 Johannesburg8 Leipzig8 Göttingen8 Los Angeles8 Innsbruck7 Helsinki7 Gütersloh7 Birmingham7 Antwerpen7 Bristol7 Bath7 Almaty7 Kolkata7 Hyderabad7 Brussels7 Lahore7 Kuala Lumpur6 Pune6 Glasgow6 Manchester6 Richmond6 Tunbridge Wells6 Vancouver6 Auckland6 Reykjavik6 Toulouse6 Modena6 Rome6 Bielefeld6 Long Island City6 Jaipur6 Lagos6 Tel Aviv6 Riga6 Tübingen6 Valencia6 Gurgaon6 Ahmedabad6 Dresden5 Quezon City5 Berkeley5 Calgary5 Rio de Janeiro5 Houston5 Brooklyn5 Luzern5 Atlanta5 Kassel5 Swindon5 Cirencester5 Firenze5 Woodbridge5 Vienna5 Noida5 Kyiv5 Belgrade5 Mannheim5 Linz5 Genève5 Wiesbaden5 Kingston5 Rotterdam5 Hildesheim5 Markham5 Warsaw5 Woodstock5 Cheltenham5 Taipei5 Düsseldorf5 Würzburg5 Malmö5 Rochester4 Abingdon4 Hove4 Deerfield Beach4 Cape Town4 Jerusalem4 Ostfildern4 Donostia4 Aylesbury4 México4 Dubai4 Las Vegas4 Louisville4 Grand Rapids4 Baltimore4 Essen4 Accra4 Meerut4 Indianapolis4 Philadelphia4 Giessen4 Aachen4 Columbus4 San Diego4 Nicosia4 Amman4 Guangzhou4 Baden4 Sterling4 Piscataway4 Issy-les-Moulineaux4 Colorado Springs4 Witten4 Wuppertal4 Leuven4 Braunschweig4 Hannover4 Zug4 Arlington4 Leicester4 Brno4 Nashville4 Norwalk4 Dortmund4 Dreieich3 Ashland3 Sharjah3 Porto3 Louvain-La-Neuve3 Chichester3 Bellevue3 Northampton3 Reston3 Graz3 Upper Saddle River3 Peiting3 Norwood3 Bozen3 Konstanz3 Gent3 Bath Avon3 Wayne3 Colchester3 Austin3 Shenyang3 Nantes3 Enfield3 Witney3 Marburg3 Springfield3 Paderborn3 Wroclaw3 Maidenhead3 Erlangen3 Fort Lauderdale3 Bilbao3 Königswinter3 Kreuzlingen3 Lucknow3 Darmstadt3 Wheaton3 Halle3 Vicenza3 Phoenix3 Oberursel3 Monterey3 Luxembourg3 Geneva3 Rugby3 Mulgrave3 Lyon3 Québec3 Reading3 Gdansk3 Perth3 Chandigarh3 Hangzhou3 Vercelli3 Gyeonggi3 Jodhpur3 Novi Sad3 South Melbourne3 Silver Spring3 Victoria3 Coventry3 Kfar Saba3 Kottayam3 Hanoi3 Surrey3 Dhaka3 Camberwell2 Southampton2 Bengalore2 Dar es Salaam2 Borgerhout2 Mississauga2 Ann Arbor2 Houten2 Canberra2 Pittsburgh2 Elsternwick2 Mermaid Waters2 Makati City2 Pensacola2 Waterloo2 Framingham2 Allahabad2 Cologne2 Phnom Penh2 Newark2 Guwahati2 San Antonio2 Carol Stream2 Maitland2 Chapel Hill2 Belmont2 Pleasantville2 Dorking2 Edmonton2 Uppsala2 Göteborg2 Gelnhausen2 Nagercoil2 Haywards Heath2 Essex2 Vilnius2 Calicut2 Champaign2 Stafa-Zurich2 Waltham2 Izmir2 Lincoln2 Fremantle2 Orlando2 Corte Madera2 Brescia2 Foligno2 Cinisello Balsamo2 Bordeaux2 Ventura2 Bern2 Trieste2 Sofia2 Bogotà2 Vigo2 Brandenburg2 Leon2 St Paul2 Holzgerlingen2 Lahr2 Namur2 Chur2 S Martino BA2 Wavre2 Studio City2 Bayreuth2 Västerås2 Richmond Hill2 Bochum2 Nuoro2 Bamberg2 Quickborn2 Wesel2 Filderstadt2 Brentwood2 Herrischried2 Plzen2 Malvern2 Halifax2 Salzburg2 Newton Abbot2 McHenry2 Santa Monica2 Oldenburg2 Reutlingen2 Assago2 Klagenfurt2 Alameda2 Esslingen2 Teaneck2 Amherst2 Klosterneuburg2 Cincinnati2 Bresso2 Watford2 Lich2 Bellheim2 Shanghai2 St Gallen2 Laguna Beach2 Grünwald2 Woodbury2 Guildford2 Kevelaer2 Luton2 Offenbach2 Venezia2 Landau2 Monaco2 Florence2 Ware2 Drexel Hill2 St Petersburg2 Caracas2 Canterbury2 Paju-si Gyeonggi-do2 Newbury2 Sassari2 Columbia2 Torshavn2 Springe2 Irvine2 Nördlingen2 Lviv2 Rowville2 Holzkirchen2 Frederiksberg2 Tulsa2 Aarhus2 St Louis2 Genova2 Weilersbach2 Miami Beach2 Aldershot2 Rosenheim2 West Conshohocken2 Burgrain2 Carmarthen2 Basingstoke2 Bussum2 Chelyabinsk2 Kansas City2 Schopfheim2 Bethesda2 Ludwigsburg2 Averbode2 Birkenhead2 Alfreton2 Kempen2 Città del Vaticano2 Weinheim2 Clarksville2 Poznan2 Hudson2 Farnham2 Winchester2 Boulder2 Denver2 Gloucester2 Petersberg2 Lanham2 Kaunas2 St Pölten2 Kharkov2 Bakewell2 Princeton2 Skopje2 Lage2 Carlton North2 Wellington2 Montevideo2 Padova2 Dornach2 Malibu2 Montrouge2 Dakar2 Stroud2 Harlow2 Kiel2 North Clarendon2 Pontevedra2 Hoboken2 Kriens2 Oakland2 St Albans2 Islamabad2 Ternopil2 Newcastle upon Tyne2 Haarlem2 Arnhem2 Brighton2 Manhattan Beach2 Bucuresti2 tunis2 Niagara Falls2 Castlemaine2 Burlington2 München2 Boise2 Lisbon2 Bolingbrook2 Newport2 São Paulo2 Calcutta2 Bhopal2 Milan2 Madurai2 Fort Myers2 Barrie2 Srinagar2 Leiden2 México D.F.2 Sheffield2 Glendowie2 Ludhiana2 Winnipeg2 New Dehi2 Docklands2 GREELEY1 Taguig1 Wiarton1 George Town1 Tianjin1 Patna1 Ghaziabad1 Tirur1 Chisinau1 Palmgrove1 Yachats1 Penrith1 Mamfe City1 Cilandak1 Shipston on Stour1 Crystal Beach1 Bridgetown1 Colombo1 bina1 Utrecht1 Maroochydore1 Oceanside1 Bellingham1 Muzaffarnagar1 Tetovo1 Penticton1 Vera Cruz1 Nagoya-Shi1 Yakima1 Greenville1 Nizamuddin West1 Knoxville1 Emalahleni1 Woburn1 Buea1 Salt Lake City1 Caoe Town1 Moses Lake1 Camden1 Raleigh1 San Vendemiano1 San Sebastián de los Reyes1 Fort Langley1 Motley1 Hillsborough1 Red Deer1 Kingstown1 Montréal1 Leesport1 Tirana1 Elland1 Kumamoto-shi1 Yonghe District1 Etobicoke1 Ferrara1 Merida1 abu dhabi1 Jagdalpur1 Faridkot1 Inderlok1 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy1 Gorakhpur1 Jammu1 Taunton1 Wailuku1 Mankato1 Logan City1 Regina1 El Oued1 Ouargla1 Walnut1 Saginaw1 Wilmington1 Oxted1 Nottingham1 Caguas1 Chelmsford1 Kowloon1 Linden1 Vijaywada1 Felixstowe1 ROHTAK1 Ravensburg1 Vrasene1 Herndon1 Paris Cedex 131 MILANO MI1 Torrance1 Pikeville1 Blata-l-Bajda1 Alzira1 Washington, D. C.1 Falciano1 Ramallah1 Rijswijk1 Cotonou1 Saint-Boniface1 St. Catharines1 Blumenau1 Lasne1 Drongen1 Rochdale1 Malmö1 Zemun1 Azeitão1 Nice1 Preserje1 Rosh Pinna1 North Riding1 Uzhgorod1 Port harcourt1 Leduc1 Ravenna1 Witchcliffe1 Sheung Wan1 MURFREESBORO1 Blackstock1 Abuja1 Coimbatore1 Bowral1 Axminster1 Santa Clara County1 Langport1 Riihimaki1 Wynyard1 Seminole1 East London1 Chorley1 Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville1 HJARNARP1 Glendale1 Solapur1 Holly Hill1 Memphis1 Saarbrücken1 Coburg1 Szeged1 Enugu1 Tampa1 Alliku Saue vald1 La Plaine Saint-Denis1 PEORIA1 Koppa1 Woolahra1 Goa1 Dindigul1 Palm Desert1 New Orleans1 Naas1 Mashad1 Scarborough1 Evansville1 Mendocino1 Chiang Mai1 Piovene Rocchette1 Southbury1 Glen Forrest1 Cork1 Egaleo1 Richmond South1 Red Wing1 Hadleigh1 Greensborough1 Antioch1 Damascus1 Ikot-Ekpene1 Murcia1 Pleasant Grove1 Fishguard1 Adelaide1 Scientrier1 Cazadero1 Santiago1 Galashiels1 Warriewood1 Kangaroo Flat1 Amstelveen1 Cowansville1 Fes1 Vadodara1 Valley Park1 Unity Estate1 Shelton1 Rincon1 Rheurdt1 Raipur1 Panipitiya1 Ormoc City1 Oradea1 Norcross1 Netanya1 Naples1 Muenchen1 medan1 Macclesfield1 Pampore1 Banff1 Inwood1 Edina1 Thessaloniki1 Cagaan de Oro City1 Kelso1 Ikeja1 Montcombroux les Mines1 Hauzenberg1 Kotagiri1 Marrickville1 Dragash1 Belfast1 Jakarta Selatan1 Ellerslie1 Kabul1 Tunisie1 Don Mills1 Kissimmee1 Cocos Islands1 Shefford1 Shimoga1 aberdeen1 Howick1 Croydon1 Roorkee1 Lucea1 Brossard1 Vanderbijlpark1 Oshawa1 Fort Saskatchewan1 Sandhurst1 Tavistock1 s-Hertogenbosch1 Wragby1 Herne Hill1 San Salvador1 Ames1 Salisbury1 Arganda del Rey1 Lacey1 Mount Lawley1 Goldenrod1 Hampton1 Carlsbad1 Borlänge1 Kolhapur1 Haripur1 Mount Gravatt East1 Bad Sassendorf1 Nocera Inferiore1 Roubaix1 Selden1 Salem1 Huntington1 Abbotsford1 Sydney NSW1 North Salem1 Brookvale1 Akure1 Chiyoda-ku1 Serrouville1 Garden City1 Pompano Beach1 Wattana1 Yonkers1 Kongens Lyngby1 nishinomiya1 Gaash1 Huay Ya1 Bolokanang1 Coolongolook1 San Rafael1 New Haw1 Ketteringham1 Hefei1 Cheraga1 Domodedovo1 Risskov1 Corfu1 Hamilton1 Waynesville1 Rondebosch1 Stratford1 Alberton1 Taman Bukit Maluri1 Amritsar1 Seaside1 Upper Montclair1 Palm Coast1 Kochi1 Pforzheim1 Woollahra1 Hartsel1 Cremorne1 East Petersburg1 Verona1 Feldkirchen1 Burgos1 Planegg1 Intercourse1 Kappelrodeck1 Edgewood1 Meßkirch1 Guilford1 Olbia1 Chinnor1 Taoyuan City1 Lakeville1 Brackley1 Jößnitz1 Leonberg1 Lane Cove1 Folkestone1 Butterworth1 Ciudad de Buenos Aires1 Eastbourne1 Fulda1 New Lanark1 Valby1 Danbury1 Romford Essex1 Hersham1 Irvington1 Eltville1 Ismaning1 Lilienthal1 Hojbjerg Aarhus1 Boelhout1 Göttingen-Bern-Toronto-Ca1 Poole Dorset1 San Sebastian1 Dingley1 Marblehead1 Beaworthy1 Pulborogh1 Hershey1 Viersen1 Lohndorf1 Icking1 Vimodrone1 Peristeri Athens1 Westmont1 Dorking Surrey1 La Vergne1 Hingham1 Atascadero1 Lewes1 Cornaredo1 Sywell1 Stevenage1 Eppstein1 Chevron1 Warminster1 Gross-Umstadt1 Perugia1 Salzgitter1 Lewisville1 Aicurzio1 Cali1 Baar1 Westport1 Hagendorn1 Witzenhausen1 Estella1 Fuente el Saz1 Leominster1 Ringwood1 Anyang-si1 Prutting1 Forcalquier1 Yeovil1 Bern-Stuttgart-Wien1 Forbach1 Eugene1 Liberec1 Pymble1 Port Melbourne1 Weil1 Amberg1 Hollstadt1 Höfen1 Northeim1 Ontario1 Braedstrup1 Labege1 Ahrenshoop1 Kleinmachnow1 Gotha1 Wommelgem1 Edita1 Liège1 Bellcaire dEmpordà1 Vilaboa1 Alzira Valencia1 Guipuzcoa1 La Roca del Vallès-Barcel1 Bad Schönborn1 Mapo-gu1 Wattenheim1 Maintal1 Dieburg1 Igling1 Anjou1 Grez Doiceau1 Chamalières1 Berlin-Douala1 Neureichenau1 Fränkisch-Crumbach1 Tholey-Hasborn1 Horn1 Neuweiler1 Iznang1 Celle1 Frankenhardt1 Scholen1 Oetwil a S1 Ipswich1 Battersea1 Stamsried1 Somerset1 Rastede1 Brugge1 Korb1 Schwanstetten1 Stockport1 Peaslake1 Sawtry1 Wielsbeke1 Novara1 Milwaukie1 Giza1 Virum1 Lychen1 Gärtringen1 Morsbach1 Hellerup1 Graz-Wien1 Jackson1 Little Canada1 Klein Jasedow1 Neckargemünd1 Bocholt1 Schoeneck1 Altenstadt1 Regensburg1 Mineola1 Wels1 Su Planu-Selargius1 St Helier Jersey1 Saint-Lambert1 Einsiedeln1 Albertslund1 Hasselager1 Flensburg1 Invercargill1 Saint-Laurent1 Brügg1 Nordhastedt1 Ganderkesee1 St Ottilien1 Duffield1 Nottuln1 Beckington1 Rivoli1 Schoden1 Weingarten1 Bandau1 Wollombi1 Edison1 Traverse City1 Yardville1 Parma1 Lenzburg1 Kharkiv1 Limburg1 Scandicci1 Cesky Tesin1 Bodenheim1 Forres1 Telluride1 Beverly1 Haan-Gruiten1 Newbury Berkshire1 Tampere1 Cantalupa1 Casale MTO1 Ingersheim1 Versailles1 Arles1 Les Plans1 Marseille1 Saint Rémy en lEau1 Avin1 Carouge1 Nuekeferloh1 Levallois-Perret1 Le Hohwald1 Marcinelle1 Nouan-Le-Fuzelier1 Boucherville1 Alcabideche1 Curitiba1 Roma-Bari1 Gardolo1 Bari1 Marina di Massa1 Bellinzona1 Siena1 Casalnoceto1 Rozzano1 Estella-Navarra1 Tafalla1 Barcarena1 Guatemala1 Vicente López1 Segovia1 Andorra1 Ivry1 Forgandenny1 Rostock1 Matoury1 Santa Rosa1 Brentford1 Veghel1 Alpedrete1 Alhambra1 Taipei City1 Hertfordshire1 Burbank1 Collingwood VIC1 Norfolk1 Nîmes1 Vianen1 Frome1 Nuremberg1 Daejeon1 Forlì1 Huddersfield1 Bermatingen1 Campi Bisenzio1 Pulderbos1 Alcobendas1 Saint André1 Frenchs Forest1 Earley1 Denton1 Selangor1 Broome1 Ashdod1 Bindlach1 Evry Cedex1 Otaku Tokyo1 Fontainebleau1 Dar-es salaam1 Dubieko1 Santarcangelo di Romagna1 Stavanger1 Hawthorn1 South Yarra1 Alkmaar1 Egling a d Paar1 Lisse1 Mosman1 East Hendred1 Zapopan1 Kisujszallas1 La Canada1 Ilishan-Remo1 Prasanthi Nilayam1 Hollister1 Berwyn1 Kiev1 Craiova1 Pingelly1 bairut1 Arenys de Munt1 Esplugues de Llobregat1 Virginia Beach1 Sarnia1 Jeddah1 Upland1 Monterrey1 Sainte-Brigitte de Laval1 Punaauia1 Dunstable1 Galway1 Frederick1 Falls Church1 Deva1 Delta1 Chandler1 Campinas1 Bethel1 Aguas Buenas1 Agra1 Lakeland1 Macoya1 Mequon1 North Burleigh1 Pak Kret1 Bombay1 Woodinville1 Ikenobe1 Fort Bragg1 Enumclaw1 Tamarac1 San Sebastián de La Gomer1 Grosse Pointe Park1 Douglas1 Enschede1 North Yarmouth1 Bertrange1 Isolo1 Dehra Dun1 West Palm Beach1 Vilamoura1 Renfrew1 Chemnitz1 Sparta1 Great Abington1 Carindale1 Koropi1 Marilia1 Steubenville1 Sutton Coldfield1 Waterford1 Menges1 Antelope1 Saint Louis1 Carson1 Clinton1 Fort Mill1 New Providence1 Moriarty1 Forest Hill1 Noordwijk1 Alphen aan den Rijn1 Olten1 Bad Langensalza1 Reid im Innkreis1 Jena1 Simbach am Inn1 Alpnach Dorf1 Waldenburg1 Nidderau-Windecken1 Titz-Rödingen1 Frauenfeld1 Kirchhain1 Bern-Göttingen-Toronto-Ca1 Nettersheim1 Skalica1 Neroth1 Insingen1 Neumarkt1 Bad Tölz1 Dresden-Leipzig1 Tunbridge1 Somerville1 Odder1 Wilhelmshaven1 Wietzendorf1 Allen1 Beilstein1 Oberbrechen1 Laguna Hills1 Melle1 Moulton Park1 Harmanec1 Münsterschwarzach1 Frankfurt am Main1 Simmern1 Ufhusen1 Marktheidenfeld1 Leverkusen1 Split1 Saint Lluis1 Begbroke Oxford1 Hindhead1 North Pomfret1 Canet de Rosselló1 Minburi1 Keighley1 Mason1 Pyrmont1 Peterborough1 Gland1 Samara1 Sag Harbor1 Collegeville1 Ferntree Gully1 North Mankato1 Twickenham1 Culemborg1 Arrone1 Kromsdorf1 St-Catharines1 Triesen1 Kirchzarten1 Martin1 Burgrieden1 Handewitt1 Sausalito1 St Lucia1 Norman1 HI1 Lima1 Königstein1 Kapellen1 Breda1 Diedorf1 Buchanan1 Kelowna1 Rastatt1 Ross-Shire1 Watertown1 Floral Park1 Moruya1 Nacka Strand1 Moncton1 Blainville1 Herefordshire1 Fitzroy1 Francheville1 Kigali1 Mechelen1 Ultimo1 Savona1 Crows Nest1 Morton Grove1 Troina1 Halstead1 Köge1 Reggio Calabria1 Sung Shan District1 Henstridge1 Tallinn1 Dongcheng District1 Petaling Jaya1 Nepi1 Belvedere Marittimo1 Bazzano1 Freguesia do O1 Case-Pilote1 Rodez1 Strombeek-Bever1 AC Amsterdam1 Rÿswÿk1 Nevada City1 Sint Niklaas1 Sarzana1 Abergele1 Kent1 Madison1 Durham1 Togher1 Rockhampton1 Lewisburg1 Pittsburg1 The Australian National U1 Oberhofen1 Reggio Emilia1 Poggio Berni1 Yerevan1 Novo Mesto1 Bad Camberg1 Olen1 Kelkheim1 Baton Rouge1 Milwaukee1 Macon1 Bandar Utama1 La Jolla1 Wakefield1 Windsor1 North Olmsted1 Redwood City1 Bingley1 Syracuse1 Selinsgrove1 Albany1 Carbondale1 University Park1 Corvallis1 Thrumpton1 DeKalb1 Clayton1 Bassingbourn1 Las Vega1 Buntingford1 Gretna1 Parsippany1 Shrewsbury1 Krefeld1 Singhofen1 Newbury Port1 Mahwah1 Godalming1 Horsham1 Prior Velho1 Monte San Vito1 Barnsley1 Hünfelden1 Brake1 Québec1 Lincolnwood1 Lausanne1 Parede1 Valletta1 Heimsheim1 Maraval1 Kaarst1 Royal Oak1 Southport1 Rosebank1 Logan1 Bridlington1 Charlotte1 Matosinhos1 Pieterlen1 Witzwort1 Elsterberg1 St-Martens-Latem1 Friedberg1 Summertown1 Berg-Aufkirchen1 Stamford1 Ruscombe1 Palo Alto1 Mechanicsburg1 North Melbourne1 Pembrokeshire1 Milton Keynes1 Naperville1 Villanova Monteleone1 Toulon1 Mörfelden-Walldorf1 St Ilves1 Chipping Sodbury1 Thorofare1 Milano-Genève1 Ottenhofen1 Oostkamp1 Ammanford1 Ludlow Shropshire1 Harley Shrewsbury1 Paradise Valley1 Huntington Beach1 Jounieh1 Rodgau1 Novosibirsk1 Mössingen-Talheim1 Cobham1 Künzelsau1 Great Gaddesden1 Powys1 Gardiner1 Celje1 Lake Mary1 North Adams1 Ely1 Livorno1 Richmond Surrey1 Reinbek bei Hamburg1 Hayling Island1 Roeselare1 Oberdorf1 Dietlikon1 Riesa1 Santa Barbara1 Marton1 Greenwood Village1 Raanana1 Alf-Mosel1 Libertyville1 Gräfelfing1 Markgröningen1 Westerstede1 Soveria Mannelli1 Nonnweiler1 Kehl1 Shepperton1 Zadverice1 Horred-Varberg1 North Vancouver1 Weinbach-Elkerhausen1 Pisa1 Bloxham1 London-Philadelphia1 Lindfield1 Oberstdorf1 Darmstdt1 Passau1 Stuttgart-New York1 Augsburg1 Warrendale1 Plauen1 Landshut1 Ariccia1 Ingelheim1 Walnut Creek1 Leer1 Voznice1 Kings Lynn1 Exeter1 Manosque1 Hedge End1 Reinbek1 Asheville1 Heverlee1 Thornhill1 Schramberg-Sulgen1 Orselina1 Varese1 Honesdayl1 St-Jérôme1 Gustavsburg1 Diegaro di Cesena1 Armonk1 Asslar1 Höhenkirchen1 Easton1 Lübeck1 Obernburg am Main1 Liverpool1 Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wi1 New Canaan1 Überlingen1 Pfungstadt1 Amstetten1 San Casciano Val di Pesa1 Örebro1 Flekkefjord1 Mürlenbach1 Marktleuthen1 Erfurt1 Oy-Mittelberg1 Emmendingen1 St Catharines1 Sudbury1 Eastleigh1 Heilbronn1 Minden1 Monza1 East Bridgewater1 Amelinghausen1 Pécs1 Fawnskin1 Wilburgstetten1 Lewes East Sussex1 Langenhagen1 Lüneburg1 Eppertshausen1 Vejle1 Ojai1 Iola1 Idstein1 Pfalzfeld1 Lippstadt1 Königsdorf1 Old Saybrook1 Dorfen1 Depok1 Århus1 Ostrava1 Waldmünchen1 Hillesheim1 Wald-Michelbach1 Klitten-Tauer1 Metamorfosi Athens1 Tomales1 Glostrup1 Hellinikon1 Elgin1 Nidderau1 Neustadt1 Pesaro1 Eden Prairie1 Kandern1 Northwood1 Weinsberg1 Stirling1 Paju-si1 Haedo1 Clevedon1 Chardonne1 Harpenden1 Baden-Baden1 Nettetal-Kaldenkirchen1 Herzliya1 Bad Breisig1 Olton1 Kendal1 Kleinsendelbach1 Sebastopol1 Sevenoaks1 Schelle1 Staufen1 Müchen1 Santa Coloma de Queralt1 Prag1 Neckenmarkt-Wien-München1 Evanston1 Oakville1 St Moritz1 Moldau1 Duderstadt1 Minnetonka1 Fiesole1 Jefferson1 Dunboyne1 Mantova1 Kornwestheim1 Eislingen1 Ben Gurion1 Broomall1 Ockenfels1 Bergatreute1 Mossautal1 Riyadh1 Espelkamp1 Kleve1 St Andrä-Wörden1 Cestlice1 N Irakleio-Athens1 Neufahrn1 Elanora Heights1 Great Bardfield1 Unterschleissheim1 Bargteheide1 Shenzhen1 Wokingham1 Gifkendorf1 Weybridge Surrey1 Rahway1 Blackrock1 Brüssel1 Rethymnon1 Remagen1 Fagagna1 Stocksfield1 Badalona1 Wellesley1 El Cason1 Moffat1 Leck1 Pohorelice1 Nazareth1 Chanhassen1 Bothell1 Kibworth Beauchamp1 Bideford1 Hohenems1 Roes1 Sekowa1 Balingen1 Oberburg1 Uffikon1 Collingwood1 Méolans-Revel1 Avon1 Hockenheim1 Fribourg1 Dundee1 Strasbourg1 Valls Tarragona1 Christchurch1 Niedertaufkirchen1 Southam Warwickshire1 Riedlingen1 Slovenská Lupca1 Girona1 Assisi1 Hasselt1 Sachse1 Conamara Co Galway1 Winford1 Kirchentellinsfurt1 Fürstenzell1 Sonora1 Thalwil1 Saarbrücken1 Grimbergen1 Muri-Bern1 Franklin Lakes1 Thousand Oaks1 Bury1 Rosario S F1 Greensboro1 Bedlinog1 Kenzingen1 Tel-Aviv1 Ithaca1 Highland Village1 Minsk1 Porchester1 Co Dublin Blackroc1 Taormina1 Rosemont1 Elk Grove Village1 Hod Hosharon1 Napoli1 Logan Township1 Materials Park1 Manila1 Zürich-Seebach1 Uhlstädt-Kirchhasel1 Buderim1 Vauvert1 Pirae Tahiti1 Denklingen1 Arlesheim1 Kew1 Khartoum1 Worksop1 Herrsching-Breitbrunn1 Worthing1 Montigny-Le-Bretonneux1 Freiburg i Br1 Cascais1 Melville1 Eich1 Yellow Springs1 Arcueil1 Genarp1 Lohn1 Erding1 Haigerloch-Bittelbronn1 Bernau1 Schwaan1 Lichtenau1 Herisau1 Guestling1 Maria Laach1 Providence1 Segrate-Milano1 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List of cities and towns in Russia

Adygeya (Republic)
Altay (Kray)
Altay (Republic)
Amur (Oblast)
Arkhangelsk (Oblast)
Astrakhan (Oblast)
Bashkortostan (Republic)
Belgorod (Oblast)
Bryansk (Oblast)
Buryatiya (Republic)
Chechnya (Republic)
Chelyabinsk (Oblast)
Chukotka (Autonomous Okrug)
Chuvashiya (Republic)
Dagestan (Republic)
Ingushetiya (Republic)
  • Karabulak
  • Magas
  • Malgobek
  • Nazran
Irkutsk (Oblast)
Ivanovo (Oblast)
Kabardino-Balkariya (Republic)
Kaliningrad (Oblast)
Kalmykiya (Republic)
Kaluga (Oblast)
Kamchatka (Kray)

·         Cherkessk
·         Karachayevsk
·         Teberda
·         Ust-Dzheguta
Karelia (Republic)
·         Petrozavodsk
Kemerovo (Oblast)
·         Anzhero-Sudzhensk
·         Belovo
·         Kemerovo
·         Kiselyovsk
·         Leninsk-Kuznetsky
·         Mezhdurechensk
·         Novokuznetsk
·         Osinniki
·         Prokopyevsk
Khabarovsk (Kray)
·         Amursk
·         Khabarovsk
·         Komsomolsk-na-Amure
·         Nikolayevsk-na-Amure
·         Sovetskaya Gavan
Khakasiya (Republic)
·         Abakan
·         Chernogorsk
Khanty-Mansi (Autonomous Okrug)
·         Khanty-Mansiysk
·         Nizhnevartovsk
·         Surgut
Kirov (Oblast)
·         Kirov
Komi (Republic)
·         Syktyvkar
·         Ukhta
·         Vorkuta
Kostroma (Oblast)
·         Kostroma
Krasnodar (Kray)
·         Armavir
·         Krasnodar
·         Kropotkin
·         Labinsk
·         Novorossiysk
·         Slavyansk-na-Kubani
·         Sochi
·         Tikhoretsk
·         Tuapse
·         Yeysk
Krasnoyarsk (Kray)
·         Achinsk
·         Dudinka
·         Igarka
·         Kansk
·         Krasnoyarsk
·         Lesosibirsk
·         Norilsk
·         Tura
Kurgan (Oblast)
·         Kurgan
·         Shadrinsk
Kursk (Oblast)
·         Kursk
·         Zheleznogorsk
Leningrad (Oblast)
·         Gatchina
·         Krasnoye Selo
·         Kronshtadt
·         Lomonosov
·         Pavlovsk
·         Peterhof
·         Pushkin
·         Saint Petersburg
·         Shlisselburg
·         Vyborg
Lipetsk (Oblast)
·         Lipetsk
·         Yelets
Magadan (Oblast)
·         Anadyr
·         Magadan
Mari El (Republic)
·         Yoshkar-Ola
Mordoviya (Republic)
·         Saransk
Moscow (Federal City)
Moscow (Oblast)
·         Balashikha
·         Dolgoprudny
·         Dubna
·         Elektrostal
·         Khimki
·         Kitay-gorod
·         Klin
·         Kolomenskoye
·         Kolomna
·         Korolyov
·         Krasnogorsk
·         Lyubertsy
·         Moscow
·         Mytishchi
·         Naro-Fominsk
·         Noginsk
·         Orekhovo-Zuyevo
·         Pavlovsky Posad
·         Podolsk
·         Ramenskoye
·         Sergiyev Posad
·         Serpukhov
·         Shchyolkovo
·         Stupino
·         Voskresensk
·         Yegoryevsk
·         Zvenigorod
Murmansk (Oblast)
·         Kirovsk
·         Monchegorsk
·         Murmansk
·         Pechenga
Nenets (Autonomous Okrug)
·         Naryan-Mar
Nizhegorod (Oblast)
·         Arzamas
·         Bor
·         Dzerzhinsk
·         Kulebaki
·         Nizhny Novgorod
·         Pavlovo
·         Vladikavkaz
Novgorod (Oblast)
·         Borovichi
·         Staraya Russa
·         Veliky Novgorod
Novosibirsk (Oblast)
·         Akademgorodok
·         Berdsk
·         Novosibirsk
Omsk (Oblast)
·         Omsk
Orenburg (Oblast)
·         Buguruslan
·         Buzuluk
·         Novotroitsk
·         Orenburg
·         Orsk
Oryol (Oblast)
·         Oryol
Penza (Oblast)
·         Penza
Perm (Kray)
·         Berezniki
·         Chusovoy
·         Kizel
·         Krasnokamsk
·         Kudymkar
·         Kungur
·         Lysva
·         Osa
·         Perm
·         Solikamsk
Primorye (Kray)
·         Artyom
·         Nakhodka
·         Partizansk
·         Ussuriysk
·         Vladivostok
Pskov (Oblast)
·         Pskov
·         Velikiye Luki
Rostov (Oblast)
·         Azov
·         Bataysk
·         Gukovo
·         Kamensk-Shakhtinsky
·         Novocherkassk
·         Novoshakhtinsk
·         Rostov-na-Donu
·         Shakhty
·         Taganrog
Ryazan (Oblast)
·         Ryazan
Saint Petersburg (Federal City)
Sakha (Republic)
·         Verkhoyansk
·         Yakutsk
Sakhalin (Oblast)
·         Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky
·         Korsakov
·         Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Samara (Oblast)
·         Chapayevsk
·         Novokuybyshevsk
·         Samara
·         Syzran
·         Tolyatti
Saratov (Oblast)
·         Balakovo
·         Engels
·         Saratov
·         Volsk
Smolensk (Oblast)
·         Smolensk
Stavropol (Kray)
·         Kislovodsk
·         Mineralnye Vody
·         Nevinnomyssk
·         Pyatigorsk
·         Stavropol
·         Yessentuki
Sverdlovsk (Oblast)
·         Alapayevsk
·         Asbest
·         Kamensk-Uralsky
·         Krasnoturinsk
·         Kushva
·         Nizhny Tagil
·         Pervouralsk
·         Polevskoy
·         Revda
·         Serov
·         Tavda
·         Yekaterinburg
Tambov (Oblast)
·         Michurinsk
·         Tambov
Tatarstan (Republic)
·         Almetyevsk
·         Bugulma
·         Chistopol
·         Kazan
·         Naberezhnye Chelny
·         Nizhnekamsk
·         Zelenodolsk
Tomsk (Oblast)
·         Asino
·         Tomsk
Tula (Oblast)
·         Aleksin
·         Novomoskovsk
·         Shchyokino
·         Tula
·         Yasnaya Polyana
Tver (Oblast)
·         Kimry
·         Rzhev
·         Torzhok
·         Tver
Tyumen (Oblast)
·         Khanty-Mansiysk
·         Tobolsk
·         Tyumen
Tyva (Republic)
·         Kyzyl
Udmurtiya (Republic)
·         Glazov
·         Izhevsk
·         Sarapul
·         Votkinsk
Ulyanovsk (Oblast)
·         Dimitrovgrad
·         Ulyanovsk
Vladimir (Oblast)
·         Gus-Khrustalny
·         Kovrov
·         Murom
·         Vladimir
Volgograd (Oblast)
·         Kamyshin
·         Mikhaylovka
·         Volgograd
·         Volzhsky
Vologda (Oblast)
·         Cherepovets
·         Sokol
·         Veliky Ustyug
·         Vologda
Voronezh (Oblast)
·         Borisoglebsk
·         Liski
·         Voronezh
Yamalo-Nenets (Autonomous Okrug)
·         Salekhard
Yaroslavl (Oblast)
·         Rostov
·         Rybinsk
·         Yaroslavl
Yevrey (Autonomous Oblast)
·         Birobidzhan
Zabaykalye (Kray)
·         Aginskoye
·         Chita
·         Nerchinsk

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