John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham from India wins World Championship - 2018 in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) out of 88 countries

World Champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham
World Champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham is most important asset for India in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), recognized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings.. World Champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham is now recognized as Father of modern Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) The purpose of the award is to identify brilliant scientists and academicians around the world through World Championship. The World Championship is organized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings at international level. John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham, (World Champion and Fellow, Directorate of humanity, IASR) plays a vital role in advancement of scientific knowledge in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). World Championship-2018 in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) acknowledges the outstanding international contributions and is selected based on international meeritorious competition. IASR extends best wishes for your endeavours enlightening scientific domain with your efforts. Your research article is winner among 5897 nominations from 88 countries, screened for the World Championship-2018 in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). IASR recognizes John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham among World's 500 Most Influential Experts in Humanistic Science for the Year 2018 on Earth. World Champion-2018 John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham has become a brand name in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness).
World champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham endorses scientific meetings and conferences on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), and can be contacted for key note speeches on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) and industrial collaborations. The World Championship is organized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings at international level. Universities are in a race to reconstruct their syllabus by adding applications of scientific contribution by World champion- John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham. Under expert guidance of World champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham, Universities can now contribute better in nation building. Proper supervision by World champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham will help to allocate public funds and research grants more focused. Universities can contact world champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham for selection committees/ board on promotion and recruitment. The world champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham can be contacted for execution of programs related to Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). Researchers and students can enjoy expert career guidance on latest trends, jobs and career opportunities from world champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham.
11 December is celebrated as Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Day around the world by International Agency for Standards and Ratings in recognition of World champion in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness)- John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham the great legend on earth. Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Day is devoted for activities in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), Training and Awareness on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), Seminar on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), Global Events, Workshop on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), Conference on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). Research centers, Colleges, Universities, Institutes, Schools, Center of Excellence, Journals of Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), Societies working on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) celebrate Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Day in the celebration of great efforts by John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham. Inception of Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Day is 11 December, 2018. World Champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham is Source of Inspiration in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) global meetings, and has triggered the importance of Impact Assessment.
Research Scholars, scientists, public and private authorities, organize Walks, Rallies, Marathon, Race, Invited Lectures, public meetings, conferences for wide public awareness on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). How can you celebrate Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Day, if you are a software developer, you can design apps for Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), software for Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) agencies, News and media agency, celebrates by publishing Editorials on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), message and tweets on website, social media and print media. Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Day on 11 December is celebrated as Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Festival in the honor of John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham, the world champion. World champion in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness)- 2018 John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham, who is international asset, can be contacted for latest trends and scope in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). Book publisher, Journal publisher and authors, write and publish news, editorials, research articles, review article, case reports, books and chapters on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Day is international event on 11 December, every year and commonly known as Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Fair which provide leading platform to business activities in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness), sales and purchase of instruments, and services . Colleges and Universities organizes indoor and outdoor activities on biography of World champion in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness)- John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham to extend the league of legend.
Thesis and dissertations on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) could now have expert guidance and supervision of John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham, World champion in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness). It will bring advancement in research in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness).

Reference and text books on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) can now have exclusive chapters to orient students to perform application based high quality research as guided by world champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham. World champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham endorses scientific meetings and conferences onHumanistic Sciences (Loneliness), and can be contacted for key note speeches on Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) and industrial collaborations. Newspapers and news channels/ international media agencies can seek expert opinion from world champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham on important national and international issues.
Exclusive Interview with World Champion 2018 John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham, The world's most influential Superstar in Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) Live News
The core of any research lies in the methodology and its finding. To improve the quality of the publication, it is suggested to inspect the methodology used thoroughly. Journals who pay don’t much heed to the methodology used by the author often publish an article which has no relevance in the real-time world. A lot of concepts are viable in theory but fail its purpose in practical life. to establish the viability of the research work, it’s very essential to testify to the relevancy of the work. You can hire any data specialist to validate the findings or hire a reviewer who has added the advantage of data analysis as well.The very purpose of a journal publication is to augment the research work of any respective field by providing relevance and verified content for reference. To achieve this, it is very essential for any journal to reach our respective research and scholar group. If you publish all the articles related to the different field in the same journal, you actually reduced your visibility. Henceforth, your journal will get low citations. To eliminate this, you should publish separate journals for the separate branch.In today’s digital epoch, very few professionals are there who opt for a printed journal. Building a web-based platform with open access system is the need of the hour. An online journal platform allows any journal to reach out to the targeted community easily. Alongside, an online platform will make you accessible for the international scholar, researcher, and scientists’ community. Your journal will not be restricted by boundaries. It will available for all.
Curriculum reform is necessary when the one in use is no longer responsive to the needs and interests of the society it is intended to serve. Curriculum reform may be either evolutionary or revolutionary. In any case a number of factors, such as those listed below, must be taken into consideration. Among them are: There should be an analytic assessment of the existing curriculum in order to justify any proposed reform. Learning needs should be reviewed from the point of view of both individual learner requirements and national development needs. A consensus relating to curriculum reform must be established. Curriculum objectives, content and methods must be appropriately determined. Materials needed to support the curriculum must be provided. Personnel needed for the design, implementation and evaluation of the reformed curriculum must be available. The reformed curriculum must be accepted by educators and followed in educational institutions. Evaluation and feedback procedures must be established and used. The means of costing and financing the reform programme must be determined.
Question: What are your recommendations to frame guidelines on funding of Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness)?
The combination of financial mechanisms that is best suited to support a country’s EIA and licensing system will depend on contextual factors that include not only the country’s legal and political institutions, and natural resources, but also the economic principles that each nation embraces as part of its national identity. Each country must pursue its own vision of how to mobilise funds in a way that is consistent with its objectives for EIA. This section guides government planners and other users through the process of selecting and implementing one or more mechanisms to fund a government’s EIA tasks. The text first examines the principles, criteria, and conditions that must be considered in choosing a financial mechanism. We then go through the process of applying the principles, criteria, and conditions to country-specific facts in order to enable decision-making on how the financial arrangements for EIA can be changed. At the end, we look at transitional financing mechanisms that can bridge any temporary gaps.
Many colleges provide a formidable array of courses, majors and extracurricular opportunities, but firsthand accounts indicate that many undergraduates do not feel that the material conveyed in their readings and lectures has much relevance to their lives. Such sentiments suggest either that the courses do not in fact contribute much to the ultimate goals that colleges claim to value or that instructors are not taking sufficient care to explain the larger aims of their courses and why they should matter.
Other studies suggest that many instructors do not teach their courses in ways best calculated to achieve the ends that faculties themselves consider important. For example, one investigator studied samples of the examinations given at elite liberal arts colleges and research universities. Although 99 percent of professors consider critical thinking an “essential” or “very important” goal of a college education, fewer than 20 percent of the exam questions actually tested for this skill.
Now that most faculties have defined the learning objectives of their college and its various departments and programs, it should be possible to review recent examinations to determine whether individual professors, programs and departments are actually designing their courses to achieve those goals. College administrators could also modify their student evaluation forms to ask students whether they believe the stated goals were emphasized in the courses they took.
In addition, the average time students devote to studying varies widely among different colleges, and many campuses could require more of their students. Those lacking evidence about the study habits of their undergraduates could inform themselves through confidential surveys that faculties could review and consider steps to encourage greater student effort and improve learning.
The vast difference between how well seniors think they can perform and their actual proficiencies (according to tests of basic skills and employer evaluations) suggests that many colleges are failing to give students an adequate account of their progress. Grade inflation may also contribute to excessive confidence, suggesting a need to work to restore appropriate standards, although that alone is unlikely to solve the problem. Better feedback on student papers and exams will be even more important in order to give undergraduates a more accurate sense of how much progress they’ve made and what more they need to accomplish before they graduate.
Colleges and universities need to reconfigure graduate programs to better prepare aspiring professors for teaching. As late as two or three generations ago, majorities of new Ph.D.s, at least in the better graduate programs, found positions where research was primary, either in major universities, industry or government. Today, however, many Ph.D.s find employment in colleges that are chiefly devoted to teaching or work as adjunct instructors and are not expected to do research.
Aspiring college instructors also need to know much more now in order to teach effectively. A large and increasing body of useful knowledge has accumulated about learning and pedagogy, as well as the design and effectiveness of alternative methods of instruction. Meanwhile, the advent of new technologies has given rise to methods of teaching that require special training. As evidence accumulates about promising ways of engaging students actively, identifying difficulties they are having in learning the material and adjusting teaching methods accordingly, the current gaps in the preparation most graduate students receive become more and more of a handicap.
Universities have already begun to prepare graduate students to teach by giving them opportunities to assist professors in large lecture courses and by creating centers where they can get help to become better instructors. More departments are starting to provide or even require a limited amount of instruction in how to teach. Nevertheless, simply allowing grad students to serve as largely unsupervised teaching assistants, or creating centers where they can receive a brief orientation or a few voluntary sessions on teaching, will not adequately equip them for a career in the classroom.
A more substantial preparation is required and will become ever more necessary as the body of relevant knowledge continues to grow. With all the talk in graduate school circles about preparing doctoral students for jobs outside academe, one has to wonder why departments spend time readying Ph.D. candidates for entirely different careers before they have developed adequate programs for the academic posts that graduate schools are supposed to serve, and that most of their students continue to occupy.
Many departments may fail to provide such instruction because they lack faculty with necessary knowledge, but provosts and deans could enlist competent teachers for such instruction from elsewhere in the university, although they may hesitate to do so, given than graduate education has always been the exclusive domain of the departments. Enterprising donors might consider giving grants to graduate schools or departments willing to make the necessary reforms. If even a few leading universities responded to such an invitation, others would probably follow suit.
The scopes of Environmental Science is limited at present in India, but is going to see a plunge in the near future. As you know almost in all sector Environmental Protection is given emphasis, hence Environmental Science graduates have a bigger scope. But as of now the main problem is that the job that should be done by Environmental Post graduates are being done by students of Chemistry, Forestry, Agriculture, Botany etc. This is causing a stiff competition for Env. Sci students.
But there are still a lot of areas where Environmental Postgraduates are preferred.
- Environmental Consultancy: Many environmental consultancies like RAMKY, ENZEN etc. are eager to take environmental engineers as Env. Sci. postgraduates have broader knowledge about EIA, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental law etc. Hence because of their versatility, they are preferred over general science students.
- Environmental NGO: Green Peace, WWF, CSE Delhi etc. are the primary NGOs which hire environmental science post graduate for multiple jobs ranging from Environmental journalism to Program Managers.
- State, National and International Agencies: This includes State SPCB, State EIA, CPCB labs, MOEFCC, CES , UNEP , WHO , UNDP etc. These are the best aspects for Environmental Sci.postgraduates as in these institutes you are directly involved in the decision making process and hence can work directly to help Environment.
- Research Lab: Almost all the university and Govt research organisation has an Environmental Department. These labs need JRF or Project Assistants for various projects. These are most preferable for students who intend to pursue career in Research in Environmental Sciences. NET/GATE eligibility is most preferred.
- Government PSUs: NTPC, IOCL , CIL etc all have environment departments. They prefer MSc and Mtech in Environmental Engg. They also require GATE/NET Score but few PSUs also take students from their own entrance exams.
- Private Industries: Industries like Reliance, Adani Port. WIPRO etc all have environmental departments and they prefer environmental students as they can be employed in multiple roles.
M.Sc Environmental Science has a promising future. Students need to decide what they want to do exactly and go for internship and trainings in their course breaks. Gaining as much skills as possible from internship is important to get good placements.
Confronting the reality of the nuclear threat can be a real downer. But, there's good news too. Solving this problem is going to require making the world a much better place for us and our children. To defuse the nuclear threat, we will have to eliminate much of the ignorance, injustice and violence that lead nations to want nuclear weapons in the first place. And, you can play a key role in making that happen.
While solving this problem will require action on the part of world leaders, the first key step must be taken by ordinary citizens like you and me. The 19th century French politician Alexandre Ledru-Rollin is reported to have said: "There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader." Any politician who gets too far in front of the crowd ceases to be a leader, so it's up to ordinary people like us to lead the way.
In 1840, questioning slavery was seen as a fool's errand. In that environment, anti-slavery candidate James Birney received just 0.3% of the vote. Twenty years later, Abraham Lincoln could question slavery and still become president – but only after enough ordinary citizens had challenged the societal conviction that slavery was an immutable part of human nature. In the same way, little will change with respect to nuclear weapons until enough of us have the courage to say that the nuclear emperor has no clothes – except for that stupid vest!
The movement toward more restrictive trade policies first became evident immediately following the 1929 business cycle peak. The United States imposed the Smoot-Hawley tariff in June 1930, raising the average tariff on dutiable imports by nearly 20 percent. The increase in American tariffs was deeply resented abroad, particularly as the United States was an international creditor and exports to the U.S. market were already declining. Smoot-Hawley provoked retaliatory responses, notably from its largest trading partner, Canada, as well as from a handful of European countries. Yet, Smoot-Hawley was not the main trigger for the wave of protectionist measures that began in mid-1931. In comparison to what was to come, relatively few countries raised their tariffs in late 1930 and early 1931.
The spark that really caused the world trading system to collapse was the financial crisis in the summer of 1931. The failure of the largest Austrian bank, the Creditanstalt, unsettled financial markets and caused capital flows to seize up. The German government depended on foreign loans to finance its expenditures, and the drying up of those loans triggered a run on the mark. To stop the rapid loss of gold and foreign exchange reserves, the government was forced to impose strict controls on foreign exchange transactions, affecting both capital movements and the finance of trade. In theory, Germany could have devalued, but the reparations agreement fixed its obligation in dollars of constant gold content. This meant that devaluing would have had devastating effects on the public finances. In any case, memories of hyperinflation when the gold standard was in abeyance meant that abandoning the system would have unleashed fears of monetary chaos. Hungary’s financial system also came under pressure but its banking system was closely tied to Austria’s; it imposed controls in July 1931. Other countries such as Chile, which was battered by declining copper prices, followed with controls of their own.
In August, the pressure spread to Britain as trade credits extended to Germany by British merchant banks were frozen. A sharp increase in interest rates did little to stem the Bank of England’s gold losses. Against the backdrop of rising unemployment which rendered the bank reluctant to raise interest rates further, on September 19th Britain abandoned the gold standard and allowed sterling to depreciate. This move sent shockwaves through the world economy. Other countries either followed Britain in going off the gold standard or imposed restrictions on trade and payments as a defensive measure to reduce imports and strengthen the balance of payments. Within days, other countries with close trade and financial ties to Britain—Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden among them—allowed their currencies to depreciate relative to gold. Japan, concluding that its recent resumption of gold convertibility had been a mistake, followed in December.
Other countries responded by imposing exchange controls to stem gold outflows. In September-October 1931, exchange controls were adopted by Uruguay, Colombia, Greece, Czechoslovakia, Iceland, Bolivia, Yugoslavia, Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Norway, and Denmark. In addition, the improvement in the price competitiveness of exports from countries with depreciated currencies prompted defensive countermeasures in countries remaining on the gold standard. A large number of countries ratcheted up their tariffs to block cheap imports. France imposed a 15 percent surcharge on British goods to offset the depreciation of sterling and adopted more restrictive import quotas. Canada and South Africa, which did not delink from gold along with Britain, adopted antidumping duties aimed at imports from Britain. In January 1932, the German government was empowered to raise “equalizing” tariffs on goods coming from countries with depreciated currencies. The Netherlands also broke from its traditional policy of free trade, raising its duties by 25 percent to offset currency depreciation abroad.
This proliferation of restrictions on international trade and payments in the aftermath of Britain’s devaluation dealt a severe blow to world commerce. World trade volume fell 16 percent from the third quarter of 1931 to the third quarter of 1932. Between 1929 and 1932 it fell 25 percent, and nearly half of this reduction was due to higher tariff and nontariff barriers.
Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness) (EIA) is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. Would you help in innovating, and designing sensors and software for Humanistic Sciences (Loneliness)
Major branches of environmental sciences are :
- ATMOSPHEREIC SCIENCES Focuses on earth's atmosphere with an emphasis upon its inter
relation to other systems. - ECOLOGY
It is the interaction between organisms and their environment. - ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRYit is the study of chemical alterations in the environment.
This includes environmental geology, environmental soil sciences,
volcanic phenomenon and the evolution of the eartt's crust.
World Champion John Wesley Sasikanth Kambham
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